Is it possible to produce stand alone haskell exec

2019-02-12 20:15发布


Is there any way to produce stand alone haskell executable to run on different linux machines assuming the architecture is similar?

Sorry I should have been clearer. The other machines might not have ghc installed on them - a bit like pyinstaller for python is what I was looking for?


You can use the flags -static -optl-pthread -optl-static to avoid dynamically linked dependencies when compiling a Haskell project. This should help you run the compiled executable on two linux machines that do not have the exact same library versions.


Yes it is possible. Just like with gcc-produced binaries, you can copy them between systems assuming the dynamic libraries and platforms match.

In practice, that's a slightly higher bar than GCC binaries because GHC will dynamically link more libraries by default (ex: libgmp, unless you build GHC using integer-simple).