I\'m trying to convert numbers into english words, for example 1234 would become: \"one thousand two hundred thirty four\".
My Tactic goes like this:
Separate the digits to three and put them on Array (finlOutPut
), from right to left.
Convert each group (each cell in the finlOutPut
array) of three digits to a word (this what the triConvert
function does). If all the three digits are zero convert them to \"dontAddBigSuffix\"
From Right to left, add thousand, million, billion, etc. If the finlOutPut
cell equals \"dontAddBigSufix\"
(because it was only zeroes), don\'t add the word and set the cell to \" \"
It seems to work pretty well, but I\'ve got some problems with numbers like 190000009, converted to: \"one hundred ninety million\". Somehow it \"forgets\" the last numbers when there are a few zeros.
What did I do wrong? Where is the bug? Why does it not work perfectly?
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function update(){
var bigNumArry = new Array(\'\', \' thousand\', \' million\', \' billion\', \' trillion\', \' quadrillion\', \' quintillion\');
var output = \'\';
var numString = document.getElementById(\'number\').value;
var finlOutPut = new Array();
if (numString == \'0\') {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'Zero\';
if (numString == 0) {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'messeg tell to enter numbers\';
var i = numString.length;
i = i - 1;
//cut the number to grups of three digits and add them to the Arry
while (numString.length > 3) {
var triDig = new Array(3);
triDig[2] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 1);
triDig[1] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 2);
triDig[0] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 3);
var varToAdd = triDig[0] + triDig[1] + triDig[2];
numString = numString.substring(0, numString.length - 3);
//conver each grup of three digits to english word
//if all digits are zero the triConvert
//function return the string \"dontAddBigSufix\"
for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j]));
var bigScalCntr = 0; //this int mark the million billion trillion... Arry
for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
if (finlOutPut[b] != \"dontAddBigSufix\") {
finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr] + \' , \';
else {
//replace the string at finlOP[b] from \"dontAddBigSufix\" to empty String.
finlOutPut[b] = \' \';
bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter
//convert The output Arry to , more printable string
for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
output +=finlOutPut[n];
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = output;//print the output
//simple function to convert from numbers to words from 1 to 999
function triConvert(num){
var ones = new Array(\'\', \' one\', \' two\', \' three\', \' four\', \' five\', \' six\', \' seven\', \' eight\', \' nine\', \' ten\', \' eleven\', \' twelve\', \' thirteen\', \' fourteen\', \' fifteen\', \' sixteen\', \' seventeen\', \' eighteen\', \' nineteen\');
var tens = new Array(\'\', \'\', \' twenty\', \' thirty\', \' forty\', \' fifty\', \' sixty\', \' seventy\', \' eighty\', \' ninety\');
var hundred = \' hundred\';
var output = \'\';
var numString = num.toString();
if (num == 0) {
return \'dontAddBigSufix\';
//the case of 10, 11, 12 ,13, .... 19
if (num < 20) {
output = ones[num];
return output;
//100 and more
if (numString.length == 3) {
output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
return output;
output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
return output;
<input type=\"text\"
/*this code prevent non numeric letters*/
onkeydown=\"return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey
|| (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false)
|| (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
|| (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9)
|| (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40)
|| (event.keyCode==46) )\"/>
<div id=\"container\">Here The Numbers Printed</div>
JavaScript is parsing the group of 3 numbers as an octal number when there\'s a leading zero digit. When the group of three digits is all zeros, the result is the same whether the base is octal or decimal.
But when you give JavaScript \'009\' (or \'008\'), that\'s an invalid octal number, so you get zero back.
If you had gone through the whole set of numbers from 190,000,001 to 190,000,010 you\'d hav seen JavaScript skip \'...,008\' and \'...,009\' but emit \'eight\' for \'...,010\'. That\'s the \'Eureka!\' moment.
for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j]));
for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j],10));
Code also kept on adding commas after every non-zero group, so I played with it and found the right spot to add the comma.
for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
if (finlOutPut[b] != \"dontAddBigSufix\") {
finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr] + \' , \';
else {
//replace the string at finlOP[b] from \"dontAddBigSufix\" to empty String.
finlOutPut[b] = \' \';
bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter
//convert The output Arry to , more printable string
for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
output +=finlOutPut[n];
for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
if (finlOutPut[b] != \"dontAddBigSufix\") {
finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr]; // <<<
else {
//replace the string at finlOP[b] from \"dontAddBigSufix\" to empty String.
finlOutPut[b] = \' \';
bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter
//convert The output Arry to , more printable string
var nonzero = false; // <<<
for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
if (finlOutPut[n] != \' \') { // <<<
if (nonzero) output += \' , \'; // <<<
nonzero = true; // <<<
} // <<<
output +=finlOutPut[n];
Your problem is already solved but I am posting another way of doing it just for reference.
The code was written to be tested on node.js, but the functions should work fine when called within the browser. Also, this only handles the range [0,1000000], but can be easily adapted for bigger ranges.
#! /usr/bin/env node
var sys=require(\'sys\');
// actual conversion code starts here
var ones=[\'\',\'one\',\'two\',\'three\',\'four\',\'five\',\'six\',\'seven\',\'eight\',\'nine\'];
var tens=[\'\',\'\',\'twenty\',\'thirty\',\'forty\',\'fifty\',\'sixty\',\'seventy\',\'eighty\',\'ninety\'];
var teens=[\'ten\',\'eleven\',\'twelve\',\'thirteen\',\'fourteen\',\'fifteen\',\'sixteen\',\'seventeen\',\'eighteen\',\'nineteen\'];
function convert_millions(num){
if (num>=1000000){
return convert_millions(Math.floor(num/1000000))+\" million \"+convert_thousands(num%1000000);
else {
return convert_thousands(num);
function convert_thousands(num){
if (num>=1000){
return convert_hundreds(Math.floor(num/1000))+\" thousand \"+convert_hundreds(num%1000);
return convert_hundreds(num);
function convert_hundreds(num){
if (num>99){
return ones[Math.floor(num/100)]+\" hundred \"+convert_tens(num%100);
return convert_tens(num);
function convert_tens(num){
if (num<10) return ones[num];
else if (num>=10 && num<20) return teens[num-10];
return tens[Math.floor(num/10)]+\" \"+ones[num%10];
function convert(num){
if (num==0) return \"zero\";
else return convert_millions(num);
//end of conversion code
//testing code begins here
function main(){
var cases=[0,1,2,7,10,11,12,13,15,19,20,21,25,29,30,35,50,55,69,70,99,100,101,119,510,900,1000,5001,5019,5555,10000,11000,100000,199001,1000000,1111111,190000009];
for (var i=0;i<cases.length;i++ ){
sys.puts(cases[i]+\": \"+convert(cases[i]));
I know this problem had solved 3 years ago. I am posting this SPECIALLY FOR INDIAN DEVELOPERS
After spending some time in googling and playing with others code i made a quick fix and reusable function works well for numbers upto 99,99,99,999. use : number2text(1234.56);
. enjoy !
function number2text(value) {
var fraction = Math.round(frac(value)*100);
var f_text = \"\";
if(fraction > 0) {
f_text = \"AND \"+convert_number(fraction)+\" PAISE\";
return convert_number(value)+\" RUPEE \"+f_text+\" ONLY\";
function frac(f) {
return f % 1;
function convert_number(number)
if ((number < 0) || (number > 999999999))
return \"NUMBER OUT OF RANGE!\";
var Gn = Math.floor(number / 10000000); /* Crore */
number -= Gn * 10000000;
var kn = Math.floor(number / 100000); /* lakhs */
number -= kn * 100000;
var Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000); /* thousand */
number -= Hn * 1000;
var Dn = Math.floor(number / 100); /* Tens (deca) */
number = number % 100; /* Ones */
var tn= Math.floor(number / 10);
var one=Math.floor(number % 10);
var res = \"\";
if (Gn>0)
res += (convert_number(Gn) + \" CRORE\");
if (kn>0)
res += (((res==\"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
convert_number(kn) + \" LAKH\");
if (Hn>0)
res += (((res==\"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
convert_number(Hn) + \" THOUSAND\");
if (Dn)
res += (((res==\"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
convert_number(Dn) + \" HUNDRED\");
var ones = Array(\"\", \"ONE\", \"TWO\", \"THREE\", \"FOUR\", \"FIVE\", \"SIX\",\"SEVEN\", \"EIGHT\", \"NINE\", \"TEN\", \"ELEVEN\", \"TWELVE\", \"THIRTEEN\",\"FOURTEEN\", \"FIFTEEN\", \"SIXTEEN\", \"SEVENTEEN\", \"EIGHTEEN\",\"NINETEEN\");
var tens = Array(\"\", \"\", \"TWENTY\", \"THIRTY\", \"FOURTY\", \"FIFTY\", \"SIXTY\",\"SEVENTY\", \"EIGHTY\", \"NINETY\");
if (tn>0 || one>0)
if (!(res==\"\"))
res += \" AND \";
if (tn < 2)
res += ones[tn * 10 + one];
res += tens[tn];
if (one>0)
res += (\"-\" + ones[one]);
if (res==\"\")
res = \"zero\";
return res;
There are JS library for en_US and cs_CZ.
You can use it standalone or as Node module.
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var th = [\'\', \' thousand\', \' million\', \' billion\', \' trillion\', \' quadrillion\', \' quintillion\'];
var dg = [\'zero\', \'one\', \'two\', \'three\', \'four\', \'five\', \'six\', \'seven\', \'eight\', \'nine\'];
var tn = [\'ten\', \'eleven\', \'twelve\', \'thirteen\', \'fourteen\', \'fifteen\', \'sixteen\', \'seventeen\', \'eighteen\', \'nineteen\'];
var tw = [\'twenty\', \'thirty\', \'forty\', \'fifty\', \'sixty\', \'seventy\', \'eighty\', \'ninety\'];
function update(){
var numString = document.getElementById(\'number\').value;
if (numString == \'0\') {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'Zero\';
if (numString == 0) {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'messeg tell to enter numbers\';
var output = toWords(numString);
//print the output
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = output;
function toWords(s) {
s = s.toString();
s = s.replace(/[\\, ]/g, \'\');
if (s != parseFloat(s)) return \'not a number\';
var x = s.indexOf(\'.\');
if (x == -1) x = s.length;
if (x > 15) return \'too big\';
var n = s.split(\'\');
var str = \'\';
var sk = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
if ((x - i) % 3 == 2) {
if (n[i] == \'1\') {
str += tn[Number(n[i + 1])] + \' \';
sk = 1;
} else if (n[i] != 0) {
str += tw[n[i] - 2] + \' \';
sk = 1;
} else if (n[i] != 0) {
str += dg[n[i]] + \' \';
if ((x - i) % 3 == 0) str += \'hundred \';
sk = 1;
if ((x - i) % 3 == 1) {
if (sk) str += th[(x - i - 1) / 3] + \' \';
sk = 0;
if (x != s.length) {
var y = s.length;
str += \'point \';
for (var i = x + 1; i < y; i++) str += dg[n[i]] + \' \';
return str.replace(/\\s+/g, \' \');
<input type=\"text\"
/*this code prevent non numeric letters*/
onkeydown=\"return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey
|| (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false)
|| (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
|| (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9)
|| (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40)
|| (event.keyCode==46) )\"/>
<div id=\"container\">Here The Numbers Printed</div>
Here, I wrote an alternative solution:
1) The object containing the string constants:
ones: [\'\', \'one\', \'two\', \'three\', \'four\', \'five\', \'six\', \'seven\', \'eight\', \'nine\', \'ten\', \'eleven\', \'twelve\', \'thirteen\', \'fourteen\', \'fifteen\', \'sixteen\', \'seventeen\', \'eighteen\', \'nineteen\'],
tens: [\'\', \'\', \'twenty\', \'thirty\', \'fourty\', \'fifty\', \'sixty\', \'seventy\', \'eighty\', \'ninety\'],
sep: [\'\', \' thousand \', \' million \', \' billion \', \' trillion \', \' quadrillion \', \' quintillion \', \' sextillion \']
2) The actual code:
(function( ones, tens, sep ) {
var input = document.getElementById( \'input\' ),
output = document.getElementById( \'output\' );
input.onkeyup = function() {
var val = this.value,
arr = [],
str = \'\',
i = 0;
if ( val.length === 0 ) {
output.textContent = \'Please type a number into the text-box.\';
val = parseInt( val, 10 );
if ( isNaN( val ) ) {
output.textContent = \'Invalid input.\';
while ( val ) {
arr.push( val % 1000 );
val = parseInt( val / 1000, 10 );
while ( arr.length ) {
str = (function( a ) {
var x = Math.floor( a / 100 ),
y = Math.floor( a / 10 ) % 10,
z = a % 10;
return ( x > 0 ? ones[x] + \' hundred \' : \'\' ) +
( y >= 2 ? tens[y] + \' \' + ones[z] : ones[10*y + z] );
})( arr.shift() ) + sep[i++] + str;
output.textContent = str;
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/j5kdG/
Try this,convert number to words
function convert(number) {
if (number < 0) {
console.log(\"Number Must be greater than zero = \" + number);
return \"\";
if (number > 100000000000000000000) {
console.log(\"Number is out of range = \" + number);
return \"\";
if (!is_numeric(number)) {
console.log(\"Not a number = \" + number);
return \"\";
var quintillion = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000000); /* quintillion */
number -= quintillion * 1000000000000000000;
var quar = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000); /* quadrillion */
number -= quar * 1000000000000000;
var trin = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000); /* trillion */
number -= trin * 1000000000000;
var Gn = Math.floor(number / 1000000000); /* billion */
number -= Gn * 1000000000;
var million = Math.floor(number / 1000000); /* million */
number -= million * 1000000;
var Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000); /* thousand */
number -= Hn * 1000;
var Dn = Math.floor(number / 100); /* Tens (deca) */
number = number % 100; /* Ones */
var tn = Math.floor(number / 10);
var one = Math.floor(number % 10);
var res = \"\";
if (quintillion > 0) {
res += (convert_number(quintillion) + \" quintillion\");
if (quar > 0) {
res += (convert_number(quar) + \" quadrillion\");
if (trin > 0) {
res += (convert_number(trin) + \" trillion\");
if (Gn > 0) {
res += (convert_number(Gn) + \" billion\");
if (million > 0) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") + convert_number(million) + \" million\");
if (Hn > 0) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") + convert_number(Hn) + \" Thousand\");
if (Dn) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") + convert_number(Dn) + \" hundred\");
var ones = Array(\"\", \"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\", \"Four\", \"Five\", \"Six\", \"Seven\", \"Eight\", \"Nine\", \"Ten\", \"Eleven\", \"Twelve\", \"Thirteen\", \"Fourteen\", \"Fifteen\", \"Sixteen\", \"Seventeen\", \"Eightteen\", \"Nineteen\");
var tens = Array(\"\", \"\", \"Twenty\", \"Thirty\", \"Fourty\", \"Fifty\", \"Sixty\", \"Seventy\", \"Eigthy\", \"Ninety\");
if (tn > 0 || one > 0) {
if (!(res == \"\")) {
res += \" and \";
if (tn < 2) {
res += ones[tn * 10 + one];
} else {
res += tens[tn];
if (one > 0) {
res += (\"-\" + ones[one]);
if (res == \"\") {
console.log(\"Empty = \" + number);
res = \"\";
return res;
function is_numeric(mixed_var) {
return (typeof mixed_var === \'number\' || typeof mixed_var === \'string\') && mixed_var !== \'\' && !isNaN(mixed_var);
Here\'s a solution that will handle any integer value that fit\'s in a string. I\'ve defined number scales up to \"decillion\", so this solution should be accurate up to 999 decillion. After which you get things like \"one thousand decillion\" and so on.
JavaScript numbers start to fail around \"999999999999999\" so the convert function works with strings of numbers only.
//=> \"three hundred sixty-five\"
//=> \"ten thousand decillion two hundred thirty billion one million ten thousand one hundred nine\"
var lt20 = [\"\", \"one\", \"two\", \"three\", \"four\", \"five\", \"six\", \"seven\",\"eight\", \"nine\", \"ten\", \"eleven\", \"twelve\", \"thirteen\", \"fourteen\", \"fifteen\", \"sixteen\", \"seventeen\", \"eighteen\", \"nineteen\" ],
tens = [\"\", \"ten\", \"twenty\", \"thirty\", \"fourty\", \"fifty\", \"sixty\", \"seventy\", \"eightty\", \"ninety\" ],
scales = [\"\", \"thousand\", \"million\", \"billion\", \"trillion\", \"quadrillion\", \"quintillion\", \"sextillion\", \"septillion\", \"octillion\", \"nonillion\", \"decillion\" ],
max = scales.length * 3;
function convert(val) {
var len;
// special cases
if (val[0] === \"-\") { return \"negative \" + convert(val.slice(1)); }
if (val === \"0\") { return \"zero\"; }
val = trim_zeros(val);
len = val.length;
// general cases
if (len < max) { return convert_lt_max(val); }
if (len >= max) { return convert_max(val); }
function convert_max(val) {
return split_rl(val, max)
.map(function (val, i, arr) {
if (i < arr.length - 1) {
return convert_lt_max(val) + \" \" + scales.slice(-1);
return convert_lt_max(val);
.join(\" \");
function convert_lt_max(val) {
var l = val.length;
if (l < 4) {
return convert_lt1000(val).trim();
} else {
return split_rl(val, 3)
.join(\" \")
function convert_lt1000(val) {
var rem, l;
val = trim_zeros(val);
l = val.length;
if (l === 0) { return \"\"; }
if (l < 3) { return convert_lt100(val); }
if (l === 3) { //less than 1000
rem = val.slice(1);
if (rem) {
return lt20[val[0]] + \" hundred \" + convert_lt1000(rem);
} else {
return lt20[val[0]] + \" hundred\";
function convert_lt100(val) {
if (is_lt20(val)) { // less than 20
return lt20[val];
} else if (val[1] === \"0\") {
return tens[val[0]];
} else {
return tens[val[0]] + \"-\" + lt20[val[1]];
function split_rl(str, n) {
// takes a string \'str\' and an integer \'n\'. Splits \'str\' into
// groups of \'n\' chars and returns the result as an array. Works
// from right to left.
if (str) {
return Array.prototype.concat
.apply(split_rl(str.slice(0, (-n)), n), [str.slice(-n)]);
} else {
return [];
function with_scale(str, i) {
var scale;
if (str && i > (-1)) {
scale = scales[i];
if (scale !== undefined) {
return str.trim() + \" \" + scale;
} else {
return convert(str.trim());
} else {
return \"\";
function trim_zeros(val) {
return val.replace(/^0*/, \"\");
function is_lt20(val) {
return parseInt(val, 10) < 20;
I\'ve modified the posting from Šime Vidas - http://jsfiddle.net/j5kdG/
To include dollars, cents, commas and \"and\" in the appropriate places.
There\'s an optional ending if it requires \"zero cents\" or no mention of cents if 0.
This function structure did my head in a bit but I learned heaps. Thanks Sime.
Someone might find a better way of processing this.
var str=\'\';
var str2=\'\';
var str3 =[];
function convertNum(inp,end){
str3 = [];
ones: [\'\', \'one\', \'two\', \'three\', \'four\', \'five\', \'six\', \'seven\', \'eight\', \'nine\', \'ten\', \'eleven\', \'twelve\', \'thirteen\', \'fourteen\', \'fifteen\', \'sixteen\', \'seventeen\', \'eighteen\', \'nineteen\'],
tens: [\'\', \'\', \'twenty\', \'thirty\', \'forty\', \'fifty\', \'sixty\', \'seventy\', \'eighty\', \'ninety\'],
sep: [\'\', \' thousand\', \' million\', \' billion\', \' trillion\', \' quadrillion\', \' quintillion\', \' sextillion\']
(function( ones, tens, sep ) {
var vals = inp.split(\".\"),val,pos,postsep=\' \';
for (p in vals){
val = vals[p], arr = [], str = \'\', i = 0;
if ( val.length === 0 ) {return \'No value\';}
val = parseInt( (p==1 && val.length===1 )?val*10:val, 10 );
if ( isNaN( val ) || p>=2) {return \'Invalid value\'; }
while ( val ) {
arr.push( val % 1000 );
val = parseInt( val / 1000, 10 );
pos = arr.length;
function trimx (strx) {
return strx.replace(/^\\s\\s*/, \'\').replace(/\\s\\s*$/, \'\');
function seps(sepi,i){
var s = str3.length
if (str3[s-1][0]){
if (str3[s-2][1] === str3[s-1][0]){
str = str.replace(str3[s-2][1],\'\')
var temp = str.split(sep[i-2]);
if (temp.length > 1){
if (trimx(temp[0]) ===\'\' && temp[1].length > 1 ){
str = temp[1];
return sepi + str ;
while ( arr.length ) {
str = (function( a ) {
var x = Math.floor( a / 100 ),
y = Math.floor( a / 10 ) % 10,
z = a % 10;
postsep = (arr.length != 0)?\', \' : \' \' ;
if ((x+y+z) === 0){
postsep = \' \'
if (arr.length == pos-1 && x===0 && pos > 1 ){
postsep = \' and \'
return (postsep)+( x > 0 ? ones[x] + \' hundred \' + (( x == 0 && y >= 0 || z >0 )?\' and \':\' \') : \' \' ) +
( y >= 2 ? tens[y] + ((z===0)?\' \':\'-\') + ones[z] : ones[10*y + z] );
})( arr.shift() ) +seps( sep[i++] ,i ) ;
if (p==0){ str2 += str + \' dollars\'}
if (p==1 && !end){str2 += (str!=\'\')?\' and \'+ str + \' cents\':\'\' }
if (p==1 && end ){str2 += \' and \' + ((str===\'\')?\'zero\':str) + \' cents \'}
})( NUMBER2TEXT.ones , NUMBER2TEXT.tens , NUMBER2TEXT.sep );
function intToEnglish(number){
var NS = [
{value: 1000000000000000000000, str: \"sextillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000000000, str: \"quintillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000000, str: \"quadrillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000, str: \"trillion\"},
{value: 1000000000, str: \"billion\"},
{value: 1000000, str: \"million\"},
{value: 1000, str: \"thousand\"},
{value: 100, str: \"hundred\"},
{value: 90, str: \"ninety\"},
{value: 80, str: \"eighty\"},
{value: 70, str: \"seventy\"},
{value: 60, str: \"sixty\"},
{value: 50, str: \"fifty\"},
{value: 40, str: \"forty\"},
{value: 30, str: \"thirty\"},
{value: 20, str: \"twenty\"},
{value: 19, str: \"nineteen\"},
{value: 18, str: \"eighteen\"},
{value: 17, str: \"seventeen\"},
{value: 16, str: \"sixteen\"},
{value: 15, str: \"fifteen\"},
{value: 14, str: \"fourteen\"},
{value: 13, str: \"thirteen\"},
{value: 12, str: \"twelve\"},
{value: 11, str: \"eleven\"},
{value: 10, str: \"ten\"},
{value: 9, str: \"nine\"},
{value: 8, str: \"eight\"},
{value: 7, str: \"seven\"},
{value: 6, str: \"six\"},
{value: 5, str: \"five\"},
{value: 4, str: \"four\"},
{value: 3, str: \"three\"},
{value: 2, str: \"two\"},
{value: 1, str: \"one\"}
var result = \'\';
for (var n of NS) {
result += n.str;
number -= n.value;
if(number>0) result += \' \';
var t = Math.floor(number / n.value);
var d = number % n.value;
return intToEnglish(t) + \' \' + n.str +\' \' + intToEnglish(d);
return intToEnglish(t) + \' \' + n.str;
return result;
Indian Version
Updated version of @jasonhao \'s answer for Indian currency
function intToEnglish(number){
var NS = [
{value: 10000000, str: \"Cror\"},
{value: 100000, str: \"Lakhs\"},
{value: 1000, str: \"thousand\"},
{value: 100, str: \"hundred\"},
{value: 90, str: \"ninety\"},
{value: 80, str: \"eighty\"},
{value: 70, str: \"seventy\"},
{value: 60, str: \"sixty\"},
{value: 50, str: \"fifty\"},
{value: 40, str: \"forty\"},
{value: 30, str: \"thirty\"},
{value: 20, str: \"twenty\"},
{value: 19, str: \"nineteen\"},
{value: 18, str: \"eighteen\"},
{value: 17, str: \"seventeen\"},
{value: 16, str: \"sixteen\"},
{value: 15, str: \"fifteen\"},
{value: 14, str: \"fourteen\"},
{value: 13, str: \"thirteen\"},
{value: 12, str: \"twelve\"},
{value: 11, str: \"eleven\"},
{value: 10, str: \"ten\"},
{value: 9, str: \"nine\"},
{value: 8, str: \"eight\"},
{value: 7, str: \"seven\"},
{value: 6, str: \"six\"},
{value: 5, str: \"five\"},
{value: 4, str: \"four\"},
{value: 3, str: \"three\"},
{value: 2, str: \"two\"},
{value: 1, str: \"one\"}
var result = \'\';
for (var n of NS) {
result += n.str;
number -= n.value;
if(number>0) result += \' \';
var t = Math.floor(number / n.value);
var d = number % n.value;
return intToEnglish(t) + \' \' + n.str +\' \' + intToEnglish(d);
return intToEnglish(t) + \' \' + n.str;
return result;
I would like to point out that the original logic fails for values between x11-x19, where x >= 1. For example, 118 returns \"one hundred eight\". This is because these numbers are processed by the following code in triConvert():
//100 and more
if (numString.length == 3) {
output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
return output;
here, the character representing the tens digit is used to index the tens[]
array, which has an empty string at index [1], so 118 become 108 in effect.
It might be better to deal with the hundreds (if any first), then run the ones and tens through the same logic. Instead of:
//the case of 10, 11, 12 ,13, .... 19
if (num < 20) {
output = ones[num];
return output;
//100 and more
if (numString.length == 3) {
output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
return output;
output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
return output;
I would suggest:
// 100 and more
if ( numString.length == 3 )
output = hundreds[ parseInt( numString.charAt(0) ) ] + hundred ;
num = num % 100 ;
numString = num.toString() ;
if ( num < 20 )
output += ones[num] ;
{ // 20-99
output += tens[ parseInt( numString.charAt(0) ) ] ;
output += \'-\' + ones[ parseInt( numString.charAt(1) ) ] ;
return output;
It seems to me that the suggested code is both shorter and clearer, but I might be biased ;-)
Source: http://javascript.about.com/library/bltoword.htm
Smallest script that I found:
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"toword.js\">
var words = toWords(12345);
I tried Muhammad\'s solution, but had some issues and wanted to use decimals so I made some changes and converted to coffeescript and angular. Please bear in mind that js and coffeescript are not my strong suits, so use with care.
$scope.convert = (number, upper=0) ->
number = +number
# console.log \"inside convert and the number is: \" + number
if number < 0
# console.log \'Number Must be greater than zero = \' + number
return \'\'
if number > 100000000000000000000
# console.log \'Number is out of range = \' + number
return \'\'
if isNaN(number)
console.log(\"NOT A NUMBER\")
alert(\"Not a number = \")
return \'\'
console.log \"at line 88 number is: \" + number
quintillion = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000000)
### quintillion ###
number -= quintillion * 1000000000000000000
quar = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000)
# console.log \"at line 94 number is: \" + number
### quadrillion ###
number -= quar * 1000000000000000
trin = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000)
# console.log \"at line 100 number is: \" + number
### trillion ###
number -= trin * 1000000000000
Gn = Math.floor(number / 1000000000)
# console.log \"at line 105 number is: \" + number
### billion ###
number -= Gn * 1000000000
million = Math.floor(number / 1000000)
# console.log \"at line 111 number is: \" + number
### million ###
number -= million * 1000000
Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000)
# console.log \"at line 117 number is: \" + number
### thousand ###
number -= Hn * 1000
Dn = Math.floor(number / 100)
# console.log \"at line 123 number is: \" + number
### Tens (deca) ###
number = number % 100
# console.log \"at line 128 number is: \" + number
### Ones ###
tn = Math.floor(number / 10)
one = Math.floor(number % 10)
# tn = Math.floor(number / 1)
change = Math.round((number % 1) * 100)
res = \'\'
# console.log \"before ifs\"
if quintillion > 0
res += $scope.convert(quintillion) + \' Quintillion\'
if quar > 0
res += $scope.convert(quar) + \' Quadrillion\'
if trin > 0
res += $scope.convert(trin) + \' Trillion\'
if Gn > 0
res += $scope.convert(Gn) + \' Billion\'
if million > 0
res += (if res == \'\' then \'\' else \' \') + $scope.convert(million) + \' Million\'
if Hn > 0
res += (if res == \'\' then \'\' else \' \') + $scope.convert(Hn) + \' Thousand\'
if Dn
res += (if res == \'\' then \'\' else \' \') + $scope.convert(Dn) + \' Hundred\'
# console.log \"the result is: \" + res
ones = Array(\'\', \'One\', \'Two\', \'Three\', \'Four\', \'Five\', \'Six\', \'Seven\', \'Eight\', \'Nine\', \'Ten\', \'Eleven\', \'Twelve\', \'Thirteen\', \'Fourteen\', \'Fifteen\', \'Sixteen\', \'Seventeen\', \'Eightteen\', \'Nineteen\')
tens = Array(\'\', \'\', \'Twenty\', \'Thirty\', \'Fourty\', \'Fifty\', \'Sixty\', \'Seventy\', \'Eigthy\', \'Ninety\')
# console.log \"the result at 161 is: \" + res
if tn > 0 or one > 0
if !(res == \'\')
# res += \' and \'
res += \' \'
# console.log \"the result at 164 is: \" + res
if tn < 2
res += ones[tn * 10 + one]
# console.log \"the result at 168is: \" + res
res += tens[tn]
if one > 0
res += \'-\' + ones[one]
# console.log \"the result at 173 is: \" + res
if change > 0
if res == \'\'
res = change + \"/100\"
res += \' and \' + change + \"/100\"
if res == \'\'
console.log \'Empty = \' + number
res = \'\'
if +upper == 1
res = res.toUpperCase()
$scope.newCheck.amountInWords = res
return res
$scope.is_numeric = (mixed_var) ->
# console.log \"mixed var is: \" + mixed_var
(typeof mixed_var == \'number\' or typeof mixed_var == \'string\') and mixed_var != \'\' and !isNaN(mixed_var)
Here is another version from me with some unit tests.
Don\'t use it with numbers larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
describe(\"English Numerals Converter\", function () {
assertNumeral(0, \"zero\");
assertNumeral(1, \"one\");
assertNumeral(2, \"two\");
assertNumeral(3, \"three\");
assertNumeral(4, \"four\");
assertNumeral(5, \"five\");
assertNumeral(6, \"six\");
assertNumeral(7, \"seven\");
assertNumeral(8, \"eight\");
assertNumeral(9, \"nine\");
assertNumeral(10, \"ten\");
assertNumeral(11, \"eleven\");
assertNumeral(12, \"twelve\");
assertNumeral(13, \"thirteen\");
assertNumeral(14, \"fourteen\");
assertNumeral(15, \"fifteen\");
assertNumeral(16, \"sixteen\");
assertNumeral(17, \"seventeen\");
assertNumeral(18, \"eighteen\");
assertNumeral(19, \"nineteen\");
assertNumeral(20, \"twenty\");
assertNumeral(21, \"twenty-one\");
assertNumeral(22, \"twenty-two\");
assertNumeral(23, \"twenty-three\");
assertNumeral(30, \"thirty\");
assertNumeral(37, \"thirty-seven\");
assertNumeral(40, \"forty\");
assertNumeral(50, \"fifty\");
assertNumeral(60, \"sixty\");
assertNumeral(70, \"seventy\");
assertNumeral(80, \"eighty\");
assertNumeral(90, \"ninety\");
assertNumeral(99, \"ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(100, \"one hundred\");
assertNumeral(101, \"one hundred and one\");
assertNumeral(102, \"one hundred and two\");
assertNumeral(110, \"one hundred and ten\");
assertNumeral(120, \"one hundred and twenty\");
assertNumeral(121, \"one hundred and twenty-one\");
assertNumeral(199, \"one hundred and ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(200, \"two hundred\");
assertNumeral(999, \"nine hundred and ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(1000, \"one thousand\");
assertNumeral(1001, \"one thousand and one\");
assertNumeral(1011, \"one thousand and eleven\");
assertNumeral(1111, \"one thousand and one hundred and eleven\");
assertNumeral(9999, \"nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(10000, \"ten thousand\");
assertNumeral(20000, \"twenty thousand\");
assertNumeral(21000, \"twenty-one thousand\");
assertNumeral(90000, \"ninety thousand\");
assertNumeral(90001, \"ninety thousand and one\");
assertNumeral(90100, \"ninety thousand and one hundred\");
assertNumeral(90901, \"ninety thousand and nine hundred and one\");
assertNumeral(90991, \"ninety thousand and nine hundred and ninety-one\");
assertNumeral(90999, \"ninety thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(91000, \"ninety-one thousand\");
assertNumeral(99999, \"ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine\");
assertNumeral(100000, \"one hundred thousand\");
assertNumeral(999000, \"nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand\");
assertNumeral(1000000, \"one million\");
assertNumeral(10000000, \"ten million\");
assertNumeral(100000000, \"one hundred million\");
assertNumeral(1000000000, \"one billion\");
assertNumeral(1000000000000, \"one trillion\");
assertNumeral(1000000000000000, \"one quadrillion\");
assertNumeral(1000000000000000000, \"one quintillion\");
assertNumeral(1000000000000000000000, \"one sextillion\");
assertNumeral(-1, \"minus one\");
assertNumeral(-999, \"minus nine hundred and ninety-nine\");
function assertNumeral(number, numeral) {
it(number + \" is \" + numeral, function () {
function convert(n) {
let NUMERALS = [
{value: 1000000000000000000000, str: \"sextillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000000000, str: \"quintillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000000, str: \"quadrillion\"},
{value: 1000000000000, str: \"trillion\"},
{value: 1000000000, str: \"billion\"},
{value: 1000000, str: \"million\"},
{value: 1000, str: \"thousand\"},
{value: 100, str: \"hundred\"},
{value: 90, str: \"ninety\"},
{value: 80, str: \"eighty\"},
{value: 70, str: \"seventy\"},
{value: 60, str: \"sixty\"},
{value: 50, str: \"fifty\"},
{value: 40, str: \"forty\"},
{value: 30, str: \"thirty\"},
{value: 20, str: \"twenty\"},
{value: 19, str: \"nineteen\"},
{value: 18, str: \"eighteen\"},
{value: 17, str: \"seventeen\"},
{value: 16, str: \"sixteen\"},
{value: 15, str: \"fifteen\"},
{value: 14, str: \"fourteen\"},
{value: 13, str: \"thirteen\"},
{value: 12, str: \"twelve\"},
{value: 11, str: \"eleven\"},
{value: 10, str: \"ten\"},
{value: 9, str: \"nine\"},
{value: 8, str: \"eight\"},
{value: 7, str: \"seven\"},
{value: 6, str: \"six\"},
{value: 5, str: \"five\"},
{value: 4, str: \"four\"},
{value: 3, str: \"three\"},
{value: 2, str: \"two\"},
{value: 1, str: \"one\"}
if (n < 0) {
return \"minus \" + convert(-n);
} else if (n === 0) {
return \"zero\";
} else {
let result = \"\";
for (let numeral of NUMERALS) {
if (n >= numeral.value) {
if (n < 100) {
result += numeral.str;
n -= numeral.value;
if (n > 0) result += \"-\";
} else {
let times = Math.floor(n / numeral.value);
result += convert(times) + \" \" + numeral.str;
n -= numeral.value * times;
if (n > 0) result += \" and \";
return result;
this is the solution for french language
it\'s a fork for @gandil response
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var th = [\'\', \' mille\', \' millions\', \' milliards\', \' billions\', \' mille-billions\', \' trillion\'];
var dg = [\'zéro\', \'un\', \'deux\', \'trois\', \'quatre\', \'cinq\', \'six\', \'sept\', \'huit\', \'neuf\'];
var tn = [\'dix\', \'onze\', \'douze\', \'treize\', \'quatorze\', \'quinze\', \'seize\', \'dix-sept\', \'dix-huit\', \'dix-neuf\'];
var tw = [\'vingt\', \'trente\', \'quarante\', \'cinquante\', \'soixante\', \'soixante-dix\', \'quatre-vingts\', \'quatre-vingt-dix\'];
function update(){
var numString = document.getElementById(\'number\').value;
if (numString == \'0\') {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'Zéro\';
if (numString == 0) {
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = \'messeg tell to enter numbers\';
var output = toWords(numString);
//output.split(\'un mille\').join(\'msille \');
//output.replace(\'un cent\', \'cent \');
//print the output
//if(output.length == 4){output = \'sss\';}
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = output;
function toWords(s) {
s = s.toString();
s = s.replace(/[\\, ]/g, \'\');
if (s != parseFloat(s)) return \'not a number\';
var x = s.indexOf(\'.\');
if (x == -1) x = s.length;
if (x > 15) return \'too big\';
var n = s.split(\'\');
var str = \'\';
var sk = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
if ((x - i) % 3 == 2) {
if (n[i] == \'1\') {
str += tn[Number(n[i + 1])] + \' \';
sk = 1;
} else if (n[i] != 0) {
str += tw[n[i] - 2] + \' \';
sk = 1;
} else if (n[i] != 0) {
str += dg[n[i]] + \' \';
//if((dg[n[i]] == \'un\') && ((x - i) / 3 == 1)){str = \'cent \';}
if ((x - i) % 3 == 0) {str += \'cent \';}
sk = 1;
if ((x - i) % 3 == 1) {
if((x - i - 1) / 3 == 1){
var long = str.length;
subs = str.substr(long-3);
if(subs.search(\"un\")!= -1){
//str += \'OK\';
str = str.substr(0, long-4);
if (sk) str += th[(x - i - 1) / 3] + \' \';
sk = 0;
if (x != s.length) {
var y = s.length;
str += \'point \';
for (var i = x + 1; i < y; i++) str += dg[n[i]] + \' \';
//if(str.length == 4){}
str.replace(/\\s+/g, \' \');
return str.split(\'un cent\').join(\'cent \');
//return str.replace(\'un cent\', \'cent \');
<input type=\"text\"
/*this code prevent non numeric letters*/
onkeydown=\"return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey
|| (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false)
|| (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
|| (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9)
|| (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40)
|| (event.keyCode==46) )\"/>
<div id=\"container\">Here The Numbers Printed</div>
i hope it will help
<script src=\"http://www.ittutorials.in/js/demo/numtoword.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>
HTML - Convert numbers to words using JavaScript</h1>
<input id=\"Text1\" type=\"text\" onkeypress=\"return onlyNumbers(this.value);\" onkeyup=\"NumToWord(this.value,\'divDisplayWords\');\"
maxlength=\"9\" style=\"background-color: #efefef; border: 2px solid #CCCCC; font-size: large\" />
<br />
<br />
<div id=\"divDisplayWords\" style=\"font-size: 13; color: Teal; font-family: Arial;\">
This is a simple ES6+ number to words function. You can simply add \'illions\' array to extend digits. American English version.
(no \'and\' before the end)
// generic number to words
let digits = [\'\',\'one\',\'two\',\'three\',\'four\', \'five\',\'six\',\'seven\',\'eight\',\'nine\',\'ten\',\'eleven\',\'twelve\',\'thirteen\',\'fourteen\',\'fifteen\',\'sixteen\',\'seventeen\',\'eighteen\',\'nineteen\'];
let ties = [\'\', \'\', \'twenty\',\'thirty\',\'forty\',\'fifty\', \'sixty\',\'seventy\',\'eighty\',\'ninety\'];
let illions = [\'\', \'thousand\', \'million\', \'billion\', \'trillion\'].reverse()
let join = (a, s) => a.filter(v => v).join(s || \' \')
let tens = s =>
digits[s] ||
join([ties[s[0]], digits[s[1]]], \'-\') // 21 -> twenty-one
let hundreds = s =>
(s[0] !== \'0\' ? [digits[s[0]], \'hundred\'] : [])
.concat( tens(s.substr(1,2)) ) )
let re = \'^\' + \'(\\\\d{3})\'.repeat(illions.length) + \'$\'
let numberToWords = n =>
// to filter non number or \'\', null, undefined, false, NaN
isNaN(Number(n)) || !n && n !== 0
? \'not a number\'
: Number(n) === 0
? \'zero\'
: Number(n) >= 10 ** (illions.length * 3)
? \'too big\'
: String(n)
.padStart(illions.length * 3, \'0\')
.match(new RegExp(re))
.slice(1, illions.length + 1)
.reduce( (a, v, i) => v === \'000\' ? a : join([a, hundreds(v), illions[i]]), \'\')
// just for this question.
let update = () => {
let value = document.getElementById(\'number\').value
document.getElementById(\'container\').innerHTML = numberToWords(value)
I think, I have solution that\'s simpler and easier to understand; it goes by slicing the number, it works up to 99 lakhs crore.
function convert_to_word(num, ignore_ten_plus_check) {
var ones = [];
var tens = [];
var ten_plus = [];
ones[\"1\"] = \"one\";
ones[\"2\"] = \"two\";
ones[\"3\"] = \"three\";
ones[\"4\"] = \"four\";
ones[\"5\"] = \"five\";
ones[\"6\"] = \"six\";
ones[\"7\"] = \"seven\";
ones[\"8\"] = \"eight\";
ones[\"9\"] = \"nine\";
ten_plus[\"10\"] = \"ten\";
ten_plus[\"11\"] = \"eleven\";
ten_plus[\"12\"] = \"twelve\";
ten_plus[\"13\"] = \"thirteen\";
ten_plus[\"14\"] = \"fourteen\";
ten_plus[\"15\"] = \"fifteen\";
ten_plus[\"16\"] = \"sixteen\";
ten_plus[\"17\"] = \"seventeen\";
ten_plus[\"18\"] = \"eighteen\";
ten_plus[\"19\"] = \"nineteen\";
tens[\"1\"] = \"ten\";
tens[\"2\"] = \"twenty\";
tens[\"3\"] = \"thirty\";
tens[\"4\"] = \"fourty\";
tens[\"5\"] = \"fifty\";
tens[\"6\"] = \"sixty\";
tens[\"7\"] = \"seventy\";
tens[\"8\"] = \"eighty\";
tens[\"9\"] = \"ninety\";
var len = num.length;
if(ignore_ten_plus_check != true && len >= 2) {
var ten_pos = num.slice(len - 2, len - 1);
if(ten_pos == \"1\") {
return ten_plus[num.slice(len - 2, len)];
} else if(ten_pos != 0) {
return tens[num.slice(len - 2, len - 1)] + \" \" + ones[num.slice(len - 1, len)];
return ones[num.slice(len - 1, len)];
function get_rupees_in_words(str, recursive_call_count) {
if(recursive_call_count > 1) {
return \"conversion is not feasible\";
var len = str.length;
var words = convert_to_word(str, false);
if(len == 2 || len == 1) {
if(recursive_call_count == 0) {
words = words +\" rupees\";
return words;
if(recursive_call_count == 0) {
words = \" and \" + words +\" rupees\";
var hundred = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-2), true);
words = hundred != undefined ? hundred + \" hundred \" + words : words;
if(len == 3) {
return words;
var thousand = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-3), false);
words = thousand != undefined ? thousand + \" thousand \" + words : words;
if(len <= 5) {
return words;
var lakh = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-5), false);
words = lakh != undefined ? lakh + \" lakh \" + words : words;
if(len <= 7) {
return words;
recursive_call_count = recursive_call_count + 1;
return get_rupees_in_words(str.slice(0, len-7), recursive_call_count) + \" crore \" + words;
Please check out my code pen
If anybody ever wants to do this but in Spanish (en español), here\'s my code based on Hardik\'s
function num2str(num, moneda) {
moneda = moneda || (num !== 1 ? \"pesos\" : \"peso\");
var fraction = Math.round(__cf_frac(num) * 100);
var f_text = \" (\" + pad(fraction, 2) + \"/100 M.N.)\";
return __cf_convert_number(num) + \" \" + moneda + f_text;
function __cf_frac(f) {
return f % 1;
function __cf_convert_number(number) {
if ((number < 0) || (number > 999999999)) {
throw Error(\"N\\u00famero fuera de rango\");
var millon = Math.floor(number / 1000000);
number -= millon * 1000000;
var cientosDeMiles = Math.floor(number / 100000);
number -= cientosDeMiles * 100000;
var miles = Math.floor(number / 1000);
number -= miles * 1000;
var centenas = Math.floor(number / 100);
number = number % 100;
var tn = Math.floor(number / 10);
var one = Math.floor(number % 10);
var res = \"\";
var cientos = Array(\"\", \"cien\", \"doscientos\", \"trescientos\", \"cuatrocientos\", \"quinientos\", \"seiscientos\", \"setecientos\", \"ochocientos\", \"novecientos\");
if (millon > 0) {
res += (__cf_convert_number(millon) + (millon === 1 ? \" mill\\u00f3n\" : \" millones\"));
if (cientosDeMiles > 0) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
cientos[cientosDeMiles] + (miles > 0 || centenas > 0 || tn > 0 || one < 0 ? (cientosDeMiles == 1 ? \"to \" : \" \") : \"\"));
if (miles > 0) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
__cf_convert_number(miles) + \" mil\");
if (centenas) {
res += (((res == \"\") ? \"\" : \" \") +
cientos[centenas] + (tn > 0 || one > 0 ? (centenas > 1 ? \" \" : \"to \") : \"\"));
var ones = Array(\"\", \"un\", \"dos\", \"tres\", \"cuatro\", \"cinco\", \"seis\", \"siete\", \"ocho\", \"nueve\", \"diez\", \"once\", \"doce\", \"trece\", \"catorce\", \"quince\", \"dieciseis\", \"diecisiete\", \"dieciocho\", \"diecinueve\");
var tens = Array(\"\", \"\", \"veinte\", \"treinta\", \"cuarenta\", \"cincuenta\", \"sesenta\", \"setenta\", \"ochenta\", \"noventa\");
if (tn > 0 || one > 0) {
if (tn < 2) {
res += ones[tn * 10 + one];
else {
if (tn === 2 && one > 0)
res += \"veinti\" + ones[one];
else {
res += tens[tn];
if (one > 0) {
res += (\" y \" + ones[one]);
if (res == \"\") {
res = \"cero\";
return res.replace(\" \", \" \");
function pad(num, largo, char) {
char = char || \'0\';
num = num + \'\';
return num.length >= largo ? num : new Array(largo - num.length + 1).join(char) + num;
\"ciento veintitres millones cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis mil setecientos ochenta y nueve pesos (00/100 M.N.)\"
I think this will help you
aTens = [ \"Twenty\", \"Thirty\", \"Forty\", \"Fifty\", \"Sixty\", \"Seventy\",\"Eighty\", \"Ninety\"];
aOnes = [ \"Zero\", \"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\", \"Four\", \"Five\", \"Six\", \"Seven\", \"Eight\", \"Nine\", \"Ten\", \"Eleven\", \"Twelve\", \"Thirteen\", \"Fourteen\", \"Fifteen\", \"Sixteen\", \"Seventeen\", \"Eighteen\", \"Nineteen\" ];
var aUnits = \"Thousand\";
function convertnumbertostring(){
var num=prompt(\'\',\'enter the number\');
var j=6;
var y = ConvertToWords(num);
alert(\'Enter the number of 5 letters\')
function ConvertToHundreds(num)
var cNum, nNum;
var cWords = \"\";
if (num > 99) {
/* Hundreds. */
cNum = String(num);
nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
cWords += aOnes[nNum] + \" Hundred\";
num %= 100;
if (num > 0){
cWords += \" and \"
if (num > 19) {
/* Tens. */
cNum = String(num);
nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
cWords += aTens[nNum - 2];
num %= 10;
if (num > 0){
cWords += \"-\";
if (num > 0) {
/* Ones and teens. */
nNum = Math.floor(num);
cWords += aOnes[nNum];
function ConvertToWords(num)
var cWords;
for (var i = 0; num > 0; i++) {
if (num % 1000 > 0) {
if (i != 0){
cWords = ConvertToHundreds(num) + \" \" + aUnits + \" \" + cWords;
cWords = ConvertToHundreds(num) + \" \";
num = (num / 1000);