I'm trying to implement a tree in F# using a list of tuples.
where a
= (string, [a])
Each node has a list of their children and leaf nodes would be (name, [])
I want to be able to recursively iterate through each level of the list like this.
b e
c d f g
They wont always be binary trees however.
let t2 = [("a", [("b", [("c", []), ("d", [])]), ("e", [("f", []), ("g", [])])])]
let rec checkstuff tple =
match tple with
| (_, []) -> true
| (node, children) ->
List.fold ( || ) false (List.map checkstuff children)
I get:
Type mismatch. Expecting a
('a * 'b list) list
but given a
'b list
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a'
and ''b * 'a list'
Is there a way I can do something like this or is there not support for a recursive list of tuples like this?
Try changing your data structure a bit:
type Tree =
| Branch of string * Tree list
| Leaf of string
let t2 = Branch ("a", [Branch ("b", [Leaf "c"; Leaf "d"]); Branch ("e", [Leaf "f"; Leaf "g"])])
let rec checkstuff tree =
match tree with
| Leaf _ -> true
| Branch (node, children) ->
List.fold ( || ) false (List.map checkstuff children)
There are a couple ways to approach this, and Daniel's is nice. But here is another way (also using discriminant unions) to define a recursive data structure, this one being a bit closer to your own approach (though I think I may actually prefer Daniel's since the cases are more explicit):
type tree<'a> =
| Node of 'a * list<tree<'a>>
let t3 = Node("a", [Node("b", [Node("c",[]); Node("d",[])]); Node("e", [Node("f",[]); Node("g",[])])])
let rec checkstuff tple =
match tple with
| Node(_, []) -> true
| Node(node, children) ->
List.fold ( || ) false (List.map checkstuff children)