In my build.xml file I am incrementing a build version number in a property file like so:
<target name="minor">
<propertyfile file="">
<entry key="build.minor.number" type="int" operation="+" value="1" pattern="00" />
<entry key="build.revision.number" type="int" value="0" pattern="00" />
I also have similar entries for the major and revision. (from Build numbers: major.minor.revision)
This works great. Now I would like to take this incremented build number and inject it into my source code:
public static const VERSION:String = "@(#)00.00.00)@";
By using:
<target name="documentVersion">
<replaceregexp file="${referer}" match="@\(#\).*@" replace="@(#)${build.major.number}.${build.minor.number}.${build.revision.number})@" />
Now this sorta works. It does indeed replace the version but with the outdated version number. So whenever I run the ANT script the is updated to the correct version but my source code file is using the pre updated value.
I have echoed to check that indeed I am incrementing the build number before I call the replace and I have noticed that echoing:
//After updating it still shows old non updated value here but the new value in the property file.
So is there a way to retrieve the updated value in the property file so I can use it to inject into my source code?
So after spending hours not being able to solve this, I post this question and then figure it out 20 minutes later.
The problem was I had this at the top of my build file:
<property file=""/>
I guess it was due to scoping and that properties are immutable thus I was never able to update the value. Removing that line and then adding the following got it working perfectly:
<target name="injectVersion">
<property file=""/>
<replaceregexp file="${referer}" match="@\(#\).*@" replace="@(#)${build.major.number}.${build.minor.number}.${build.revision.number})@" />
Why not just use <buildnumber/>
Project used to increment build number in file
file parameters:
if changes version.number then build.number starts from 1
====================================================================== -->
<property name="versionFileName" value="" />
<property file="${versionFileName}" />
<property name="currentVersion" value="0.1.37"/>
<target name="">
<script language="javascript">
var currentVersion = project.getProperty("currentVersion");
var oldVersion = project.getProperty("version.number");
var buildNumber = project.getProperty("build.number");
if (!currentVersion.equals(oldVersion)){
project.setProperty("currentBuild", 1);
} else {
var newBuildNumber = ++buildNumber;
project.setProperty("currentBuild", newBuildNumber);
<target name="" depends="">
<propertyfile file="${versionFileName}">
<entry key="build.number" type="int" operation="=" value="${currentBuild}" />
<entry key="version.number" type="string" operation="=" value="${currentVersion}" />
<echo message="New version: ${currentVersion}.${currentBuild}" />