I built an app using create react which by default includes a service worker. I want the app to be run anytime someone enters the given url except when they go to /blog/, which is serving a set of static content. I use react router in the app to catch different urls.
I have nginx setup to serve /blog/ and it works fine if someone visits /blog/ without visiting the react app first. However because the service worker has a scope of ./, anytime someone visits any url other than /blog/, the app loads the service worker. From that point on, the service worker bypasses a connection to the server and /blog/ loads the react app instead of the static contents.
Is there a way to have the service worker load on all urls except /blog/?
So, considering, you have not posted any code relevant to the service worker, you might consider adding a simple if
conditional inside the code block for fetch
This code block should already be there inside your service worker.Just add the conditionals
self.addEventListener( 'fetch', function ( event ) {
if ( event.request.url.match( '^.*(\/blog\/).*$' ) ) {
return false;
// OR
if ( event.request.url.indexOf( '/blog/' ) !== -1 ) {
return false;
// **** rest of your service worker code ****
note you can either use the regex or the prototype method indexOf
per your whim.
the above would direct your service worker, to just do nothing when the url matches /blog/
Another way to blacklist URLs, i.e., exclude them from being served from cache, when you're using Workbox can be achieved with registerNavigationRoute
workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute("/index.html", {
blacklist: [/^\/api/,/^\/admin/],
The example above demonstrates this for a SPA where all routes are cached and mapped into index.html
except for any URL starting with /api
or /admin
Try using the sw-precache
library to overwrite the current service-worker.js file that is running the cache strategy. The most important part is setting up the config file (i will paste the one I used with create-react-app
- Install
yarn sw-precache
- Create and specify the config file which indicates which URLs to not cache
- modify the build script command to make sure
runs and overwrites the default service-worker.js
file in the build output directory
I named my config file sw-precache-config.js is and specified it in build script command in package.json. Contents of the file are below. The part to pay particular attention to is the runtimeCaching key/option.
"build": "NODE_ENV=development react-scripts build && sw-precache --config=sw-precache-config.js"
CONFIG FILE: sw-precache-config.js
module.exports = {
staticFileGlobs: [
staticFileGlobsIgnorePatterns: [/\.map$/, /asset-manifest\.json$/],
swFilePath: './build/service-worker.js',
stripPrefix: 'build/',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /dont_cache_me1/,
handler: 'networkOnly'
}, {
urlPattern: /dont_cache_me2/,
handler: 'networkOnly'