I am trying to load an external command line program with Python and communicate with it via pipes. The progam takes text input via stdin and produces text output in lines to stdout. Communication should be asynchronous using select().
The problem is, that not all output of the program is signalled in select(). Usually the last one or two lines are not signalled. If select() returns with a timeout and I am trying to read from the pipe anyway readline() returns immediately with the line sent from the program. See code below.
The program doesn't buffer the output and sends all output in text lines. Connecting to the program via pipes in many other languages and environments has worked fine so far.
I have tried Python 3.1 and 3.2 on Mac OSX 10.6.
import subprocess
import select
engine = subprocess.Popen("Engine", bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
inputready,outputready,exceptready = select.select( [engine.stdout.fileno()] , [], [], 10.0)
if (inputready, outputready, exceptready) == ([], [], []):
print("trying to read from engine anyway...")
line = engine.stdout.readline()
for s in inputready:
line = engine.stdout.readline()
Note that internally file.readlines([size])
loops and invokes the read()
syscall more than once, attempting to fill an internal buffer of size
. The first call to read()
will immediately return, since select() indicated the fd was readable. However the 2nd call will block until data is available, which defeats the purpose of using select. In any case it is tricky to use file.readlines([size])
in an asynchronous app.
You should call os.read(fd, size)
once on each fd for every pass through select. This performs a non-blocking read, and lets you buffer partial lines until data is available and detects EOF unambiguously.
I modified your code to illustrate using os.read
. It also reads from the process' stderr
import os
import select
import subprocess
from cStringIO import StringIO
target = 'Engine'
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
engine = subprocess.Popen(target, bufsize=0, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
class LineReader(object):
def __init__(self, fd):
self._fd = fd
self._buf = ''
def fileno(self):
return self._fd
def readlines(self):
data = os.read(self._fd, 4096)
if not data:
return None
self._buf += data
if '\n' not in data:
return []
tmp = self._buf.split('\n')
lines, self._buf = tmp[:-1], tmp[-1]
return lines
proc_stdout = LineReader(engine.stdout.fileno())
proc_stderr = LineReader(engine.stderr.fileno())
readable = [proc_stdout, proc_stderr]
while readable:
ready = select.select(readable, [], [], 10.0)[0]
if not ready:
for stream in ready:
lines = stream.readlines()
if lines is None:
# got EOF on this stream
for line in lines:
print line