I have a trait, which takes a type parameter, and I want to say that the objects that implements this trait will also conform to this type parameter (using generics, for Java's compatibility)
The following code:
trait HandleOwner[SELF <: HandleOwner[SELF]] {
self : SELF =>
// ...
def handle: Handle[SELF]
trait Common[SELF <: Common[SELF]] extends HandleOwner[SELF] {
// ...
Gives me the following error:
illegal inheritance; self-type test.Common[SELF] does not conform to
test.HandleOwner[SELF]'s selftype SELF
If I change Common to:
trait Common[SELF <: Common[SELF]] extends HandleOwner[SELF] {
self : SELF =>
// ...
Then the error goes away.
Why is it that I have to repeat the same declaration in every non-concrete type. If I would have a base class, and say "extends Comparable", I don't have to repeat "extends Comparable" in every derived type, as long as the concrete classes implement the compareTo method. I think it should be the same thing here. I am just saying that a type extending HandleOwner will be also a SELF, and the compiler should just accept it, and take it into consideration while not requiring every non-concrete subtype to repeat the same thing again.
A am doing this to avoid having to use a class-cast, but I will be literally extending every class from this trait, and I don't see that I should have to repeat this declarations hundreds or even thousands of times!