I tried running the quickstart-sample, and this dependency:
from Drive wiki API page
Yet when I try to compile the code com.google.api.client.json.jackson.JacksonFactory;
is missing.
To verify this you just need to do Step 2 & 3! Where can I find this class or how can I replace it in the sample?
Jackson library can be found
at http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/com/google/http-client/google-http-client-jackson/
For July 7, last version can be obtained by Maven
You may also need
Use this class for JacksonFactory instead of the previous one.
Since version 1.11, jackson library has been moved out to separate jar to provide developers better choice of versions of each library. Please check readme.html of zip file you downloaded from google-api-java-client and you can check which specific jar file you want to include in your project.
This dependency will solve your problem:
For gradle.build =
compile group: 'com.google.http-client', name: 'google-http-client-jackson2', version: '1.11.0-beta'