Android material chips

2019-02-11 22:22发布


I want to implement an autocomplete edittext with chips in my application and I want to do it in a way that it's done here: material design chips. First I would like to ask if there is some kind of widget (maybe as part of the new support library) or a solution that I can use for easy implementation. (I know that this question has been asked before but I just want to know if something changed in the meantime). Also I found this library, but I don't know how can I use it (and can I use it) for autocompletion of my sets of data... Has anyone worked with this library before and can share their experience?

Any help would be appreciated!


With the new Support Library 28.0.0-alpha1 release and the new Material Components for Android, the new design Library now contains the Chip.

You can add the chip to our layout file with:

    app:chipText="This is a chip" />

With the classic design v28-alpha1 just use the package:


You can customize the component using these attributes:

  • android:checkable: Used to declare whether the chip can be toggled as selected / not selected.
  • app:chipIcon: Used to display an icon within the chip
  • app:closeIcon: Used to display a close icon within the chip

You can find the official documentation here.


I actually ended up using this library. The autocomplete view and chips that this library provides are not "materially" styled, but you can do it yourself with no great effort. After great research I realized that this library gives you the most easy way of implementing your own sets of data into the logic. All the other libraries were customized for using Android contact or emails, and it was not so trivial to change the code and query your own sets of data. So if someone wants to implement chips, but with custom data querying I'd say this is the right way to go.


Check out this library! I think it may suit your needs.


there is also a new library for material chips!


This links might help

The Chip widget provides a complete implementation of Material Design’s chip component. Example code of how to include the widget in your layout:


Another 3rd party libraries

Nachos is a library for Android that provides a custom TextView allowing users to enter text and create material chips in the text field.

MaterialChipsInput Implementation of Material Design Chips component for Android. The library provides two views: ChipsInput and ChipView.

Material Chip view. Can be used as tags for categories, contacts or creating text clouds