Is it safe to assume that $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
always returns a IPv4 address?
Is it safe to assume that $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
always returns a IPv4 address?
The REMOTE_ADDR key is set by the web server, not PHP. If the web server listens on v6 and the user connects that way, it'll be a v6 address
I have seen a bad IP address reported to php in REMOTE_ADDR from Apache 2.
It was '183.60..244.37'.
So the answer to your question, "Is it safe to assume...", I think is definitely no, REMOTE_ADDR can not be trusted.
As far as I know it is reported to PHP from the server, in my case Apache. Why it was bad I am still trying to figure out. I do know this. It came in as part of a batch of attack requests. Sometimes it was and sometimes it was 183.60..244.37.
See also this.