I am working on Markdown editor with Vue.JS, and I tried to use localstorage with it to save data but I don't know how to save new value to data variables in Vue.JS whenever the user types!
Note this was an edit in my question, but I make it separately answer as @nathanvda suggested.
I found the solution that I was looking for. first use watch method to detect changes on variable you are storing data on like this:
watch: {
input: function () {
if (isLocalStorage() /* function to detect if localstorage is supported*/) {
localStorage.setItem('storedData', this.input)
This will update variable’s value whenever user add new inputs.
Then assign the new value to variable like this:
app.input = localStorage.getItem('storedData');
And that's it :)
You can just do following to save in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('YourItem', response.data)
You can fetch this using:
To delete this from localStorage
you can use v-model to bind you variable with every change or you can put it computed :{} section.computed is like life hook of vue.js it re-render the component again when it values are changed.