I have a TextField to enter a search term, and a button for "Go". But in JavaFX2, how would I make it so pressing the Enter Key in the TextField would perform an action?
Thanks :)
I have a TextField to enter a search term, and a button for "Go". But in JavaFX2, how would I make it so pressing the Enter Key in the TextField would perform an action?
Thanks :)
You can use the onAction attribute of the TextField and bind it to a method in your controller.
public void onEnter(ActionEvent ae){
System.out.println("test") ;
And in your FXML file:
<TextField fx:id="textfield" layoutX="29.0" layoutY="298.0" onAction="#onEnter" prefWidth="121.0" />
I'm assuming you want this to happen when the user presses enter only while the TextField has focus. You'll want use KeyEvent out of javafx.scene.input and do something like this...
textField.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>()
public void handle(KeyEvent ke)
if (ke.getCode().equals(KeyCode.ENTER))
Hope this is helpful!
You can try the following:
public void buttonPressed(KeyEvent e)
//do something
Simply using "lambda expression" :
TextField textField = new TextField();
textField.setOnAction(e -> {
// add your code to be run here
This works:
@FXML public TextField txt;
public void textAction(KeyEvent e){
If for some reason .getCode() is not working, make sure you import the library:
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
I got caught up on this and it was irritating. Im just passing this on for all those in the same boat.
On some keyboards you have to put additional tests to the '\n' and '\r' characters.
if(event.getCode().equals(KeyCode.ENTER) || event.getCharacter().getBytes()[0] == '\n' || event.getCharacter().getBytes()[0] == '\r') {
// your action