After migrating to Swift 3.0, I am trying to import SwiftyJSON into my project. However, when I import the framework 'import SwiftyJSON' I get a No Such Module error.
If I remove the import statement, it does not recognize its classes.
Any advice as to why XCode might not be reading my imported framework?
See screenshots attached:
My problem was I was opening the project file and not the workspace file...
Try to check Targets-> Build Phases Link Binary With Libraries
There must be a link with SwiftyJSON
Updating my pod to reference the official SwiftyJSON gem worked for me! It updated from version 2.3.2 (what was installed by default via 'pod SwiftyJSON') to version 3.1.1.
So, in your Podfile, udpate your SwiftyJSON pod to:
pod 'SwiftyJSON', :git =>''
Clean your project and build again. Make sure you open project.xcworkspace.
pod 'SwiftyJSON'
remove import SwiftyJSON
to solve No such Module 'SwiftyJSON' on Swift 3.0
Swift can load the SwiftyJSON.swift by itself.
No need to specify it at import statement.
Try this.
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '10.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
target 'Project names' do
pod 'SwiftyJSON', git: '', branch: 'swift3'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
If you have multiple targets, try building each of them. I had two targets - one would build and the other would not. This may help you trace the issue.
In my case I just nuked my dev target that was not working, duplicated the production target, made a few settings changes, and was back in action.
clean your project and than build and run your project and than not work so remove your swiftyjson cocoa library in u r cocoapods and reinstall it should surely work and this 100% work for me u try this.
This solution helped me. Build the modules individually, and then build your project.