I am using the following code to select from a MySQL database with a Code Igniter webapp:
$query = $this->db->get_where('mytable',array('id'=>10));
This works great! But I want to write the following MySQL statement using the CI library?
SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE `id`='10' OR `field`='value'
Any ideas?
$where = "name='Joe' AND status='boss' OR status='active'";
You can use or_where() for that - example from the CI docs:
$this->db->where('name !=', $name);
$this->db->or_where('id >', $id);
// Produces: WHERE name != 'Joe' OR id > 50
You can use this :
$bind = array('boss', 'active');
$this->db->where_in('status', $bind);
Active record method or_where
is to be used:
->where("first", $first)
->or_where("second", $second);
$where = "name='Joe' AND status='boss' OR status='active'";
Though I am 3/4 of a month late, you still execute the following after your where clauses are defined... $this->db->get("tbl_name");
What worked for me :
$where = '';
/* $this->db->like('ust.title',$query_data['search'])
$where .= "(ust.title like '%".$query_data['search']."%'";
$where .= " or usr.f_name like '%".$query_data['search']."%'";
$where .= "or usr.l_name like '%".$query_data['search']."%')";
$datas = $this->db->join(TBL_USERS.' AS usr','ust.user_id=usr.id')
->where_in('ust.id', $blog_list)
->select('ust.*,usr.f_name as f_name,usr.email as email,usr.avatar as avatar, usr.sex as sex')
->get_where(TBL_GURU_BLOG.' AS ust',[
'ust.deleted_at' => NULL,
'ust.status' => 1,
I have to do this to create a query like this :
SELECT `ust`.*, `usr`.`f_name` as `f_name`, `usr`.`email` as `email`, `usr`.`avatar` as `avatar`, `usr`.`sex` as `sex` FROM `blog` AS `ust` JOIN `users` AS `usr` ON `ust`.`user_id`=`usr`.`id` WHERE (`ust`.`title` LIKE '%mer%' ESCAPE '!' OR `usr`.`f_name` LIKE '%lok%' ESCAPE '!' OR `usr`.`l_name` LIKE '%mer%' ESCAPE '!') AND `ust`.`id` IN('36', '37', '38') AND `ust`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND `ust`.`status` = 1 ;