If there is a single statement in a lambda function, we can omit defining the full code block for it:
new Thread(() -> System.out.println());
Why is that not the case for statements that throw exceptions? This yields a compilation error stating '{' expected
new Thread(() -> throw new RuntimeException());
Of course, enclosing the lambda body in a code block works:
new Thread(() -> {
throw new RuntimeException();
A throw
statement is, well, a statement and not an expression so it must be placed within braces. According to this article, the Java Expert Group had an informal survey on the syntax of lambdas at the time, and there were four options:
- Strawman:
#(arglist)(expr) and #(arglist){statements}
{ args -> statements }
(similar to Scala and Groovy)
- SotL:
#{ args -> statements}
- Redmond:
(args) -> { statements }
Ultimately, the choice was to adopt a syntax similar to that of C# according to this thread, which also looks closest to the last option above as far as I can see. In C#, there is a distinction between expression lambdas and statement lambdas:
Expression lambda (C#):
(input parameters) => expression
Statement lambda (C#):
(input parameters) => {statement;}
The syntax is explained in this MSDN documentation page.
And the rationale for choosing this syntax over the other options is mentioned in the previous thread:
The decision to choose this syntax was twofold:
The syntax scores "pretty well" on most subjective measures (though
has cases where it looks bad, just like all the others do). In
particular, it does well with "small" lambdas that are used as method
arguments (a common case), and also does well with large
(multi-statement) lambdas.
Despite extensive searching, there was no clear winner among the
alternatives (each form had some good aspects and some really not very
good aspects, and there was no form that was clearly better than the
others). So, we felt that it was better to choose something that has
already been shown to work well in the two languages that are most like
Java -- C# and Scala -- rather than to invent something new.
AFAIK The jls says that the lambda body has to be:
expression or a block. Having it like this:
new Thread(() -> throw new RuntimeException());
is neither and the compiler somehow informs you about that.
Declaring it like this:
new Thread(() -> {
throw new RuntimeException();
makes it a block. Here is the relevant part:
A block is a sequence of statements, local class declarations, and local variable declaration statements within braces.
In Java8, the grammar of a lambda body only accepts an expression or a block. Whereas throwing an exception is a statement, not an expression.
throwStatement: 'throw' expression ';' ;
lambdaBody: expression | block;
expression: lambdaExpression | assignmentExpression;
block : '{' blockStatements? '}' ;
Maybe it can be enhanced by including throwStatement
into lambdaBody
in the next jdk version if it is needed. Indeed, we need that as you mentioned above. for example:
lambdaBody: expression | block | throwStatement;