I wrote a gui program which will connect to an oracle db an retrieve data after a query is typed. the retrieved data is shown in a QTableView table model widget. and later the result of the QTableView is exported to a .csv file
QString MyQuery = ui->lineQuery->text();
QSqlQuery query(MyQuery,db);
qDebug()<<QDateTime::currentDateTime()<<"QUERY SUCCESS ";
ui->queryButton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}");
this->model=new QSqlQueryModel();
QString textData;
int rows=model->rowCount();
int columns=model->columnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
textData += model->data(model->index(i,j)).toString();
textData += ", "; // for .csv file format
textData += "\n"; // (optional: for new line segmentation)
QFile csvfile("/home/aj/ora_exported.csv");
QTextStream out(&csvfile);
now the problem is, during a query I observed there are 543 rows visible in the QTableView (which is correct cause there are 543 entries). But when the .csv file is exported, only 256 rows are there.
Is there any variable size constraint that I am unaware about ???
Which variables should be taken care of if I want to export .csv files of upto 1000 rows approx ??? thanks.