This is a question for the batch pro's i guess. Seems a lot of people do stumble over IP veriffication while batching, while just using windows built in functinallity, but no real code is to find.
At several places a findstr expression is findable, to identify a numerical string matching four sequences of numbers.
findstr /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*"
While there seems no better way to identify the string itself (because of limited regular expression support of findstr) this catches too false positives like 1234.2.3.4
or 999.999.999.999
and of course
It would "only" need to verify the found string further, e.g. with a sequence of for loops, and `make shure each found string octet is valid for IP rules.
- first octet between
1 and 254
- second and
- third between
0 and 255
- forth between
1 and 254
If one would then integrate a second part of verification into this code to identify further if found IP was one of the 3 private classes (, and
or to be precice one of: to, to and to this would make a round function. And not to forget the special 127.x.x.x must get warned D).
To get IP4 complete a switch to choose if private or public IP shall get verified and returnvalues may tell closer what kind or even subnet masks have been recognized:
- first octet must be
- second and
- third and
- fourth one of
So overall this would be the pseudo routine:
a function taking input, no matter where from, just to be called, taking switch for usage and returning result
- take Switches for private or public IP range
- validate IP Syntax
- IP verification - recognized range and set return values
- private or
- pulic class
- subnet
- ...
- IP verification - recognized range and set return values
- set returnvalue, set errorlevel depending on switch
If the code does set nice usable return codes (like in example, return the recognized ip range) this would be an alltime function for everybody dealing with IP4's anyway. While i will extend those ip ranges myself, if only just the function will reliable return those "_return"-values like in example code.
Did i forget something?
Nobody did code this already?
SOLUTION: According to MC ND's example and Aacini's switch handling and subnetmask code i blew up the code, added errorhandling usage echo and other cases - here with some testing sample code included:
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
rem try some ip addresses
for %%i in ("" "" "250.1024.1.2" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "something" "" ) do (
REM is public / is false all / is private / is local / is private / is private / is subnet / is false all (source net)
echo --------------- run one as default case assuming pulic with ret var -------------------
rem call default with a return variable
call :validateIP %%~i ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo --------------- run two with switch public -------------------
rem call with switch public
call :validateIP %%~i /public && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run three with switch private ---------------------
rem call with switch private
call :validateIP %%~i /private && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run four with switch private and ret variable ---------------------
rem call with switch private and return variable
call :validateIP %%~i /private ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run five with switch local and ret variable ---------------------
rem call with switch private and return variable
call :validateIP %%~i /local ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run six with switch subnet and ret variable ---------------------
rem call with switch private and return variable
call :validateIP %%~i /subnet ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run seven with switch source and ret variable ---------------------
rem call with switch private and return variable
call :validateIP %%~i /source ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
echo ------------ run eight with nothing ---------------------
rem call with switch private and return variable
call :validateIP && echo is valid || echo is invalid
echo return value: !ret!
echo --------------------------------------------
exit /b
:validateIP ipAddress [/ipRange] [returnVariable]
rem prepare environment
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1"=="" goto USAGE
echo %~1| findstr /b /e /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*" >nul
if errorlevel 1 goto USAGE
rem Initialize ip range as public
set "ipCASE=public"
rem Process switches
set "returnVar=%~2"
rem If second parameter start with slash...
if "%returnVar:~0,1%" equ "/" (
rem It is the /ipRange
set "ipCASE=%returnVar:~1%"
set "returnVar=%~3"
rem asume failure in tests : 0=pass 1=fail : same for return/errorlevel
set "_return=1"
set "_returnlevel=1"
set "subNETNumbers=0,128,192,224,240,248,252,254,255"
rem test if address conforms to ip address structure
echo %~1| findstr /b /e /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*" >nul
rem if it conforms to structure, test each octet for range values
if not errorlevel 1 for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%a in ("%~1") do (
if %%a gtr 0 if %%a lss 255 if %%b leq 255 if %%c leq 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=public"
if %%a equ 10 if %%b geq 0 if %%b lss 255 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
if %%a equ 172 if %%b geq 16 if %%b lss 31 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
if %%a equ 192 if %%b equ 168 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
if %%a equ 127 if %%b geq 0 if %%b lss 255 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=local"
if %%a equ 255 if not "!subNETNumbers:%%b=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" if not "!subNETNumbers:%%c=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" if not "!subNETNumbers:%%d=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" set "_return=subnetmask"
if %%a equ 0 set "_return=sourcenetwork"
rem set returnlevels depending on given switch
if "%ipCASE%"=="public" if "%_return%"=="public" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")
if "%ipCASE%"=="private" if "%_return%"=="private" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")
if "%ipCASE%"=="local" if "%_return%"=="local" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")
if "%ipCASE%"=="subnet" if "%_return%"=="subnetmask" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")
if "%ipCASE%"=="source" if "%_return%"=="sourcenetwork" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")
REM OPTION1 set errorlevel
REM another correct way to set errorlevel would be to REM this line beneath and instead use _returnlevel with exit /b like in line REM OPTION2 - while this is interesting way to set it indirectly
if "%_returnlevel%"=="0" (ver > nul) else (set dummy 2> nul)
rem clean and return data/errorlevel to caller
endlocal & ( if not "%returnVar%"=="" set "%returnVar%=%_return%" ) & exit /b
REM OPTION2 endlocal & ( if not "%returnVar%"=="" set "%returnVar%=%_return%" ) & exit /b %_returnlevel%
echo Usage: call :validateIP [/ipRange] [returnVariable]
echo for example: call :validateIP /local ret
echo if NO switch is given function assumes public,
echo switch and return var are optional
echo errorlevel depends and corresponds on given switch
echo known switches: /public, /private, /local, /subnet, /source
echo return var reflects syntax check, if return var is "1" the input was malformed anyhow
goto :afterusage