Any difference between MD5 and SHA1 for getting MA

2019-02-11 03:15发布


I am getting following results:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystor e "C:\Documents and Settings\\debug.keystore" -storepass a ndroid -keypass android androiddebugkey, May 27, 2011, PrivateKeyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): "Some Code"

But after entering this in for getting MAP API it is showing invalid fingerprint.

Can you please guide me is the fingerprint I have got is correct or not. Because I am getting it as SHA1 and not MD5. How can I get API key??


keytool -v -list -alias alias_name -keystore my-release-key.keystore

With JDK 1.7 installed, keytool outputs by default SHA1 fingerprint, not MD5. Adding -v option allows to see MD5 as well.

Please update the page with this info, many devs are having problems trying to get a maps key.


After entering key add ; and your application package name eg. sha1 code blablabla;com.example and then generate the key.

Happy coding....

also check this tutorial and recheck steps you followed it worked for me....