After removing hash from URL using window.location.hash=''
page getting reloaded in firefox.
On a click of button I am removing hash value using following code
After removing the hash page is getting reloaded in firefox.
I don't want to reload page I just want to remove hash from URL
How to fix it?
Whenever a property of the location object is modified, a document
will be loaded using the URL as if window.location.assign() had been
called with the modified URL.
This question I think addresses what you want using jQuery:
Change hash without reload in jQuery
Other related questions:
Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript
How to remove the hash from window.location with JavaScript without page refresh?
How can I change Firefox window.location.hash without creating a page reload?
Just in case somebody else is still looking for a solution to this. Try this when the page loads.
history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);
If I understand correctly,
<a href="#someElementID" id="myLinkName">Some Text</a>
clicking the above link in a browser normally results in an added hash in the address bar, like <- this is what you're looking to prevent, yes?
The solution I just tested which is working and DOES NOT refresh the page is:
This works in a 'click()' event that involves anchor tags that link to elements' id's, such as in the anchor tag example above. In action, it would look like this in your 'click()' event:
//the rest of the function is the same.
Now, clicking on the same link leaves the address bar with the same URL, WITHOUT the added hash from clicking the anchor.
We can remove/escape from appending the hash by returning false in click function.
//your custom function code here..
return false;
<a id="add_user" href="#">Add Card</a>