Using VB 6 and Crystal Report 8.5
In client system while generating the report, I clicked export to PDF button in the report; it displayed Export, Export Option. Choose Export file is not displaying in the client system.
But in my system, it was displayed it displayed Export, Export Option. Choose Export file. But in client system is not showing the choose export file screen.
I cannot able to save a report file in pdf. Because it was not asking a file name to save.
Can any one help to solve this problem?
Private Sub ExportReportToPDF(ReportObject As CRAXDRT.Report, Byval FileName As String, Byval ReportTitle As String)
Dim objExportOptions As CRAXDRT.ExportOptions
ReportObject.ReportTitle = ReportTitle
With ReportObject
.EnableParameterPrompting = False
.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = True
End With
Set objExportOptions = ReportObject.ExportOptions
With objExportOptions
.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
.DiskFileName = FileName
.FormatType = crEFTPortableDocFormat
.PDFExportAllPages = True
End With
ReportObject.Export False
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim objCrystal As CRAXDRT.Application
Dim objReport As CRAXDRT.Report
Set objCrystal = New CRAXDRT.Application
Set objReport = objCrystal.OpenReport(ReportFileName, 1)
ExportReportToPDF objReport, "c:\foo\foo.pdf", "foo"
End Sub
1) Setup crystal report..
2) Copy crxf_pdf.dll copy from c:\windows\crystal to c:\windows\system32 folder inside…
3) Then problem solved..
In my case, on Windows 8.1 x64, the solution was to:
- locate, on the dev machine, the folder %programfiles%\Seagate
copy crtslv.dll and ExportModeller.dll from the
dev machine to the C:\windows\SysWOW64\ folder
open a command prompt with administrator's privileges
- register both crtslv.dll and ExportModeller.dll with regsrv32
- Retry the pdf export...
That's all.
It sounds like a deployment problem with the Crystal files. Check the user has a file called u2ddisk.dll on their machine - this file is required for Crystal 8.5 to give the option to export to file. Otherwise it'll select the Export to Application option instead. The availability of items in the Export Format and Export Destination dropdowns is dependend on the dlls present, and it sounds like you're missing Export To Disk from the Destination dropdown.