I'm on a different path on the same site, and I need to allow the user to change the contents of a field on a node s/he wrote in a different location. I have the nodeid and the field name, and ids, etc np.
I don't believe this is too difficult, but a tutorial or an explanation would be wonderful.
Edit: Thank you anschauung for asking, so to clarify:
It is a CCK textarea. As for why, well there's a central node type, with many linked node reference nodes. From the edit page of any node which references the central node, it needs to be able to edit and save a field of the central node. So that's my usecase.
Thanks again.
Thanks you so much googletorp, I really really appreciate your help.
Here's what I have so far:
For step one:
function update_main_field_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['update_main_field/%'] = array(
'title' => 'Update Main Field',
'page callback' => 'post_to_main_node',
'page arguments' => 1,
return $items;
Step two:
function post_to_main_node(){
// Sorry, I'm totally lost. What do I put here?
Also you mentioned this:
Either in hook_form_alter, hook_nodeapi or some other hook that is invoked when the node form is generated. You should investigate which is best in your situation.
How do I generate the node form?
Step three:
function modulename_form_mainct???_node_form_alter (&$form, &$form_state) {
// I'm not sure about which form I'm doing node form alter on. If I do it to the mainct, wouldn't that alter the regular edit page the user is viewing? I only want to load the js for the ajax submission. Is there a update_main_field node form?
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'modulename') ."/updateField.js");
Also what is in between the function in step 2 and getting the node form in step 3?
Step 4: I think I understand mostly, though because of other things I can't test it yet. :)
I really want to learn how to do this in drupal, but it would be swell if you could increase the dumminess level of your language a bit. :D Thank you so much once again.
Edit again:
I actually tried putting access arguments yesterday, but for some reason it did not work. :( But now it does! Yay you have magic.
Now, when I trigger the post like this:
Drupal.behaviors.ajax_update_field = function (context) {
var url = $("#edit-field-reference-0-nid-nid").val().replace(/.*?\[nid:(\d+)?]/ig, "$1");
url = "/update_main_field/"+url;
// The data is just some silly test thing
$.post(url, {data: $("#edit-field-reference-0-nid-nid-wrapper label").text()}, function(value) {
// Here you can write your js to handle a response to the user,
// or if something went wrong an error message.
// value = response data from drupal
I see a post to the url with the correct data. Which is good. But no response. The alert is empty.
Also a new blank... something has been created. There's nothing in it, but I can see it in views when filtered for nodes. It has no title, any fields, etc. Just a post date.
The node that I want to be updated isn't updated.
So that leads me to think that the step two is probably somewhat incorrect. I have a few questions about it.
function post_to_main_node(){
// Is this sufficient to load the node? nid doesn't have to be set as an arg for the function?
$node = node_load($_POST['nid']);
// Is the field set like this? 'field_library' is the 'machine name' of the field. This is what's needed right?
$node->field_library = $_POST['data'];
Thank you so much once again.