[removed] How can I delay returning a value for im

2019-02-10 18:39发布


I've written a script to test for SVG support in the IMG tag:

function SVGinIMG() {
  var SVGdata = '%3D'
  var i = document.createElement('img');
  return i.complete;
window.onload = function() {
  var hasSVG = SVGinIMG();

This does what I want, except that when I run the script in WebKit browsers the complete property doesn't trigger the first time I load the page; when I refresh the page, it works as it should. The return function is running before the img has finished loading; what's the best method to delay this?


I was complicating things a little; all I really needed was the load event:

function SVGDetect() {
  var testImg = '%3D';
  var img = document.createElement('img')

This runs another function when the image loads, which is never in the case of browsers that don't support SVG in images.