Sending Error message in Spring websockets

2019-02-10 16:06发布


I am trying to send error messages in Spring websockets with STOMP over SockJS.

I am basically trying to achieve which is being done here.

This is my Exception Handler

@SendToUser(value = "/queue/error",broadcast = false)
public ApplicationError handleException(Exception message) throws ApplicationError {
        return  new ApplicationError("test");

And I am subscribing to

stompClient.subscribe('/user/queue/error', stompErrorCallback, {token: accessToken});

User in my case is not authenticated, but from here

While user destinations generally imply an authenticated user, it isn’t required strictly. A WebSocket session that is not associated with an authenticated user can subscribe to a user destination. In such cases the @SendToUser annotation will behave exactly the same as with broadcast=false, i.e. targeting only the session that sent the message being handled.

All this works fine when I am throwing this error from myHandler which is my Websocket Handler defined in websocket config.

I have a ClientInboundChannelInterceptor which extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter which intercepts all the messages in preSend.

In case of any exception in this interceptor, I want to throw it back to the user session which sent this message,

public class ClientInboundChannelInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter {
    @Lazy(value = true)
    private SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;

    public Message<?> preSend(Message message, MessageChannel channel) throws IllegalArgumentException{
         if(some thing goes wrong)
           throw new RuntimeException();

    @SendToUser(value = "/queue/error",broadcast = false)
    public ApplicationError handleException(RuntimeException message) throws    ApplicationError {
        return  new ApplicationError("test");

@MessageExceptionHandler does not catch this exception. So I tried sending it to the user directly using simpMessagingTemplate.

I basically want to do :


SOMETHING should be the correct username but user is not authenticated in my case, so I can't use headerAccessor.getUser().getName()

I have even tried with

simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(headerAccessor.getHeader("","/queue/error",e, Collections.singletonMap(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.SESSION_ID_HEADER, headerAccessor.getSessionId()));

but this is not working.

I have even tried headerAccessor.getSessionId() in the place of username, but that does not seem to work.

What is the correct way to do this?

What should I use as username in convertAndSendToUser?


My initial intuition was correct, sessionId is used as the username in case of unauthenticated user situations, but the problem was with headers.

After few hours of debugging through @SendToUser and simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(), I realised that if we use @SendToUser headers will be set automatically and we have to explicitly define the headers if we are using simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser().

@SendToUser was setting two headers,


So I have tried adding the headers,

String sessionId = headerAccessor.getSessionId();
Map<String,Object> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
headerMap.put("simpMessageType", SimpMessageType.MESSAGE);

It did not work, I have tried giving the headers as MessageHeaders

String sessionId = headerAccessor.getSessionId();
Map<String,Object> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
headerMap.put("simpMessageType", SimpMessageType.MESSAGE);
MessageHeaders headers = new MessageHeaders(headerMap);


didn't work either.

After some more debugging I found out the correct way to set the headers, and probably this is the only way to create these headers(from

private MessageHeaders createHeaders(String sessionId) {
    SimpMessageHeaderAccessor headerAccessor = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.create(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE);
    return headerAccessor.getMessageHeaders();

So finally,

String sessionId = headerAccessor.getSessionId();

did the trick.


  1. You can use convertAndSendToUser() only if that user is subscribed to the destination:

    super.convertAndSend(this.destinationPrefix + user + destination, payload, headers, postProcessor);
  2. Where user can be just sessionId - headerAccessor.getSessionId()

  3. The @MessageExceptionHandler does its work only withing @MessageMapping or @SubscribeMapping.

See SendToMethodReturnValueHandler source code for more info.