I am trying to send error messages in Spring websockets with STOMP over SockJS.
I am basically trying to achieve which is being done here.
This is my Exception Handler
@SendToUser(value = "/queue/error",broadcast = false)
public ApplicationError handleException(Exception message) throws ApplicationError {
return new ApplicationError("test");
And I am subscribing to
stompClient.subscribe('/user/queue/error', stompErrorCallback, {token: accessToken});
User in my case is not authenticated, but from here
While user destinations generally imply an authenticated user, it isn’t required strictly. A WebSocket session that is not associated with an authenticated user can subscribe to a user destination. In such cases the @SendToUser annotation will behave exactly the same as with broadcast=false, i.e. targeting only the session that sent the message being handled.
All this works fine when I am throwing this error from myHandler
which is my Websocket Handler defined in websocket config.
I have a ClientInboundChannelInterceptor
which extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter
which intercepts all the messages in preSend
In case of any exception in this interceptor, I want to throw it back to the user session which sent this message,
public class ClientInboundChannelInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter {
@Lazy(value = true)
private SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;
public Message<?> preSend(Message message, MessageChannel channel) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if(some thing goes wrong)
throw new RuntimeException();
@SendToUser(value = "/queue/error",broadcast = false)
public ApplicationError handleException(RuntimeException message) throws ApplicationError {
return new ApplicationError("test");
does not catch this exception. So I tried sending it to the user directly using simpMessagingTemplate
I basically want to do :
SOMETHING should be the correct username but user is not authenticated in my case, so I can't use headerAccessor.getUser().getName()
I have even tried with
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(headerAccessor.getHeader("","/queue/error",e, Collections.singletonMap(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.SESSION_ID_HEADER, headerAccessor.getSessionId()));
but this is not working.
I have even tried headerAccessor.getSessionId()
in the place of username, but that does not seem to work.
What is the correct way to do this?
What should I use as username in convertAndSendToUser