
task-relation graph based on JIRA [closed]

2019-02-10 13:58发布


I am wondering is there any tool which can help visualize relations between tasks/bugs, I mean dependencies like related to/blocks/clone/etc.


There is the Links Hierarchy plugin, though I'm not sure if that supports JIRA 4.4. There is also the REST example at https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/JIRA+REST+API+Version+2+Tutorial#JIRARESTAPIVersion2Tutorial-Example%231%3AGraphingImageLinks


Vivid Trace visualizes relations between tasks/bugs for any/all of the issue link types you mention, and it can graph a given issue, component, version, or even a whole project. https://vivid-inc.net/

(Disclaimer: We make it.)