I have removed all the storylines for this question.
You are given N numbers. You have to find 2 equal sum sub-sequences, with maximum sum. You don't necessarily need to use all numbers.
Eg 1:-
1 2 3 4 1
Sub-sequence 1 : 2 3 // sum = 5
Sub-sequence 2 : 4 1 // sum = 5
Possible Sub-sequences with equal sum are
{1,2} {3} // sum = 3
{1,3} {4} // sum = 4
{2,3} {4,1} // sum = 5
Out of which 5 is the maximum sum.
Eg 2:-
1 2 4 5 9 1
Sub-sequence 1 : 2 4 5 // sum = 11
Sub-sequence 2 : 1 9 1 // sum = 11
The maximum sum you can get is 11
5 <= N <= 50
1<= number <=1000
sum of all numbers is <= 1000
Important: Only <iostream> can be used. No STLs.
N numbers are unsorted.
If array is not possible to split, print 0.
Number of function stacks is limited. ie your recursive/memoization solution won't work.
Approach 1:
I tried a recursive approach something like the below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool visited[51][1001][1001];
int arr[51];
int max_height=0;
int max_height_idx=0;
int N;
void recurse( int idx, int sum_left, int sum_right){
if(sum_left == sum_right){
if(sum_left > max_height){
max_height = sum_left;
max_height_idx = idx;
if(idx>N-1)return ;
if(visited[idx][sum_left][sum_right]) return ;
recurse( idx+1, sum_left+arr[idx], sum_right);
recurse( idx+1, sum_left , sum_right+arr[idx]);
recurse( idx+1, sum_left , sum_right);
We could reduce the function calls, by check the visited condition before calling the function.
This could reduce stack allocations for function calls. For simplicity I have not checking those conditions before function calls.
Anyways, this recursive solution would get time out. No matter how you optimize it.
Btw, there are T testcases. For simplicity, removed that constraint.
int main(){
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
cout<< max_height <<"\n";
Passes test-cases. But time out.
Approach 2:
I also tried, taking advantage of constraints.
Every number has 3 possible choice:
1. Be in sub-sequence 1
2. Be in sub-sequence 2
3. Be in neither of these sub-sequences
1. Be in sub-sequence 1 -> sum + 1*number
2. Be in sub-sequence 2 -> sum + -1*number
3. None -> sum
Maximum sum is in range -1000 to 1000.
So dp[51][2002] could be used to save the maximum positive sum achieved so far (ie till idx).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int arr[51];
int N;
int dp[51][2002];
int max3(int a, int b, int c){
return max(a,max(b,c));
int max4(int a, int b, int c, int d){
return max(max(a,b),max(c,d));
int recurse( int idx, int sum){
// should i perform anything here?
return 0;
if( dp[idx][sum+1000] ){
return dp[idx][sum+1000];
return dp[idx][sum+1000] = max3 (
arr[idx] + recurse( idx+1, sum + arr[idx]),
0 + recurse( idx+1, sum - arr[idx]),
0 + recurse( idx+1, sum )
) ;
This gives me a wrong output.
1 3 5 4
int main(){
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
cout<< recurse(0,0) <<"\n";
The above code gives me wrong answer. Kindly help me with solving/correcting this memoization.
Also open to iterative approach for the same.