I have a zip file which contains several CSV files inside it. How do I read the contents of those CSV files without extracting the zip files using PowerShell?
I having been using the Read-Archive
Cmdlet which is included as part of the PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX)
This is what I have tried so far.
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\"
$fullpath = Join-Path $path filename.zip
Read-Archive $fullpath | Foreach-Object {
Get-Content $_.Name
But when I run the code, I get this error message
Get-Content : An object at the specified path filename.csv does not exist, or has been filtered by the -Include or -Exclude parameter.
However, when I run Read-Archive $fullpath
, it lists all the file inside the zip file
There are multiple ways of achieving this:
1. Here's an example using Ionic.zip dll:
Add-Type -Path "E:\sw\NuGet\Packages\DotNetZip.1.9.7\lib\net20\Ionic.Zip.dll"
$zip = [Ionic.Zip.ZipFile]::Read("E:\E.zip")
$file = $zip | where-object { $_.FileName -eq "XMLSchema1.xsd"}
$stream = new-object IO.MemoryStream
$stream.Position = 0
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($stream)
$text = $reader.ReadToEnd()
It's picking the file by name (XMLSchema1.xsd) and extracting it into the memory stream. You then need to read the memory stream into something that you like (string in my example).
2. In Powershell 5, you could use Expand-Archive
, see: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn841359.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
It would extract entire archive into a folder:
Expand-Archive "E:\E.zip" "e:\t"
Keep in mind that extracting entire archive is taking time and you will then have to cleanup the temporary files
3. And one more way to extract just 1 file:
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = $shell.NameSpace("E:\E.zip")
$file = $zip.items() | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "XMLSchema1.xsd"}
4. And one more way using native means:
Add-Type -assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
$zip = [io.compression.zipfile]::OpenRead("e:\E.zip")
$file = $zip.Entries | where-object { $_.Name -eq "XMLSchema1.xsd"}
$stream = $file.Open()
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($stream)
$text = $reader.ReadToEnd()