Assign Attribute to @Html.DropdownList

2019-02-10 11:06发布


I want to assign some ID attribute name to my Dropdown list which is using data from the ViewBag as,

ViewBag.Group = new SelectList(group, "GroupId", "Name");

and in the View side I have used Razor syntax for showing the Dropdown as,

@Html.DropDownList("Group", "New", new { id="testID" } )

But I am getting the error on this line. Can I just assign ID of This Razor syntax? I know that the ID is generated with the Name "Playlist" But I am having 2 different dropdowns using same ViewBag. Because of that I have to assign different "ID" attribute value for them. How can it be done?


You should be using something like this


because the data for the DropDownList comes from the ViewBag to name Group


Try it:

In controller

  ViewBag.EmployeeId = new SelectList(db.tb_employees, "id", "last_name");

In View

@Html.DropDownList("EmployeeId", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.EmployeeId,"Show All", new { @class = "form-control" })