I would like to do an edit mode, in the style of the tablet gmail app. If the user presses the edit button on the actionbar, than I would like to show him/her an action view, that has a done button on the left side, and a delete button on the right.
I have an example that works without actionbarsherlock here: https://code.google.com/p/romannurik-code/source/browse/misc/donediscard
I would like to stick to actionbarsherlock, for compatibility reasons.
This is the way I solved it in onCreateOptionsMenu:
for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {
menu.getItem(i).setVisible(false); }
does nothing, so I had to set the home icon to a white 1x1 pixel drawable.
I also had to set the background color of the actionbar, as the actionview's background color. If I had not, than the 1x1 home icon would have padding around it, and the original background color would be visible around the white home button.
Anyone got a better solution for this?
edit: I also had to change the style:
<style name="Theme.Styled" parent="Theme.Sherlock.Light">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/white</item>
<item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/white</item>
Also..settings android:homeAsUpIndicator increased my min api level from 8 to 11 which is also an issue.