I am thinking about having two separate alarms to gather a user's location data every hour, one that goes off every 59 minutes to "connect" the client and a second to actually get the location and then subsequently disconnect the client.
In terms of battery life, is there anything else I should consider doing if getting the user's location will be the primary drain of the app? Or, is there a different approach to having two alarms? I originally only had a single alarm, but performing a (!mLocationClient.isConnected) then connect check does not give the client enough time to connect.
Thanks for your insight.
The two alarms would go off something like this:
private int PERIODIC_UPDATE = 60000*60; //gets location and disconnects every hour
private int PERIODIC_RECONNECTION_UPDATE = 60000*59; //connects 1 minute before getLocation call
Timer toReconnect = new Timer();
toReconnect.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Timer theTimer = new Timer();
theTimer.schedule(new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
try {
if(!mLocationClient.isConnected()) {
//This will not have much affect because cannot so quickly, will remove.
Location theLocation = mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
if(theLocation!=null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Do you actually need to track the user?
If it's just about UI, then use getLastKnownLocation(PASSIVE_PROVIDER) and you should get something semi-accurate assuming they used location services on their phone somewhere else.
If you need to actually triangulate the user, realize the different providers use different battery. Passive < Network < GPS.
The more you locate the user, the more battery with GPS taking the most battery and time.
Start the service by intent one a schedule, 1 hour or whatever, only one service necessary. Only live for a maximum of 1 minute (or less), listen on all Location providers. After the minute or accuracy is good enough, you save the result and shut down the service.
See the "Receiving Location Updates" section on the Android developer docs for a detailed discussion of this topic with the new Fused LocationProvider:
This gives you the option to register an Intent with a LocationListener to the Fused LocationProvider that is automatically triggered by the internal Google Services framework when it is considered "efficient" to do so. I would trust that this framework has a much greater potential to optimize power usage, since it has a lot more knowledge of what else is going on in the system vs. an app-registered Timer.
Here are your options for registering a listener with different power priority levels, which will result in different levels of battery drain, as listed in the above docs:
- PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY - Used with setPriority(int) to request "block" level accuracy. Block level accuracy is considered to be about 100 meter accuracy. Using a coarse accuracy such as this often consumes less power.
- PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY - Used with setPriority(int) to request the most accurate locations available. This will return the finest location available (and the greatest potential for energy drain).
- PRIORITY_NO_POWER - Used with setPriority(int) to request the best accuracy possible with zero additional power consumption. No locations will be returned unless a different client has requested location updates in which case this request will act as a passive listener to those locations.