Spark SQL - IN clause

2019-02-09 16:25发布


I would like to add where condition for a column with Multiple values in DataFrame.

Its working for single value, for example.

df.where($"type".==="type1" && $"status"==="completed").

How can i add multiple values for the same column like below.

df.where($"type" IN ("type1","type2") && $"status" IN ("completed","inprogress")


the method you are looking for is isin:

import sqlContext.implicits._
df.where($"type".isin("type1","type2") and $"status".isin("completed","inprogress"))

Typically, you want to do something like this

val types = Seq("type1","type2")
val statuses = Seq("completed","inprogress")

df.where($"type".isin(types:_*) and $"status".isin(statuses:_*))