I have a leaflet map with several markers in it. I've put these markers in "Layer Groups" to be able to show and hide the marker-categories. These are my markers:
var aa = L.marker([48.185556, 11.620278]).bindPopup('AA'),
bb = L.marker([48.152222, 11.592778]).bindPopup('BB'),
cc = L.marker([48.161209, 11.597989]).bindPopup('CC'),
dd = L.marker([48.14350, 11.58775]).bindPopup('DD'),
ee = L.marker([48.14989, 11.59094]).bindPopup('EE'),
ff = L.marker([48.15958, 11.60608]).bindPopup('FF');
var restaurants = L.layerGroup([aa, bb]);
var sport = L.layerGroup([cc, dd]);
var sights = L.layerGroup([ee, ff]);
That works quite well when I use Layers Control and overlayMaps:
var overlayMaps = {
"Restaurants": restaurants,
"Sport": sport,
"Sights": sights
But now I want to be able to make that work (hide and show the layer groups) with my own "buttons" (icons). My html:
<div class="header">
<a href="#">
<span class="fontawesome-food"></span>
<span class="fontawesome-heart-empty"></span>
<span class="fontawesome-eye-open"></span>
I guess it's possible with removeLayer or something like that but I just don't get it how to make it work (show and hide restaurants-, sport- and sights-layer). So, I want to acchieve it that my layers are visible when I click on the Icons in my header and that they disappear when I click a second time. Thanks so much!