ANTLRv4: How to read double quote escaped double q

2019-02-09 09:36发布


In ANTLR v4, how do we parse this kind of string with double quote escaped double quotes like in VBA?

for text:

"some string with ""john doe"" in it"

the goal would be to identify the string: some string with "john doe" in it

And is it possible to rewrite it to turn double double quotes in single double quotes? "" -> "?


Like this:

 : '"' (~[\r\n"] | '""')* '"'

where ~[\r\n"] | '""' means:

~[\r\n"]    # any char other than '\r', '\n' and double quotes
|           # OR
'""'        # two successive double quotes

And is it possible to rewrite it to turn double double quotes in single double quotes?

Not without embedding custom code. In Java that could look like:

 : '"' (~[\r\n"] | '""')* '"' 
     String s = getText();
     s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); // strip the leading and trailing quotes
     s = s.replace("\"\"", "\""); // replace all double quotes with single quotes

标签: antlr4