I am trying to put some default values in my directive with Isolate scope. Basically, I need to do some DOM manipulations using the scope object when my directive is bound. Below is my code:
angular.module('ctrl').controller('TempCtrl', function($scope, $location, $window, $timeout, RestService, CommonSerivce) {
$scope.showAppEditWindow = function() {
//Binding the directive isolate scope objects with parent scope objects
$scope.asAppObj = $scope.appObj;
$scope.asAppSubs = $scope.appSubscriptions;
//Making Initial Settings
CommonSerivce.broadcastFunction('doDirectiveBroadcast', "");
angular.module('Services').factory('CommonSerivce', function ($rootScope) {
return {
broadcastFunction: function(listener, args) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(listener, args);
angular.module('directives').directive('tempDirective', function() {
return {
restrict : 'E',
appSubs: '=asAppSubs'
link : function(scope, element, attrs) {},
controller : function ($scope,Services,CommonSerivce) {
//Broadcast Listener
$scope.$on('doDirectiveBroadcast', function (event, args) {
$scope.setDefaults = function() {
//Setting Default Value
alert(JSON.stringify($scope.appSubs)); //Coming as undefined
Custom Directive element:
<temp-directive as-app-obj="asAppObj" as-app-subs="asAppSubs" />
Now, the issue is that while trying to access the isolate scope in the default method inside directive, I aam getting an undefined value whereas the data is coming and is getting bound to the DOM. How can I access the isolate scope in the broadcast listener and modify the directive template HTML? Is there another wasy for handling this?