What is the correct (or best) way to subclass the

2019-02-09 06:37发布


I'm implementing an object that is almost identical to a set, but requires an extra instance variable, so I am subclassing the built-in set object. What is the best way to make sure that the value of this variable is copied when one of my objects is copied?

Using the old sets module, the following code worked perfectly:

import sets
class Fooset(sets.Set):
    def __init__(self, s = []):
        sets.Set.__init__(self, s)
        if isinstance(s, Fooset):
            self.foo = s.foo
            self.foo = 'default'
f = Fooset([1,2,4])
f.foo = 'bar'
assert( (f | f).foo == 'bar')

but this does not work using the built-in set module.

The only solution that I can see is to override every single method that returns a copied set object... in which case I might as well not bother subclassing the set object. Surely there is a standard way to do this?

(To clarify, the following code does not work (the assertion fails):

class Fooset(set):
    def __init__(self, s = []):
        set.__init__(self, s)
        if isinstance(s, Fooset):
            self.foo = s.foo
            self.foo = 'default'

f = Fooset([1,2,4])
f.foo = 'bar'
assert( (f | f).foo == 'bar')



My favorite way to wrap methods of a built-in collection:

class Fooset(set):
    def __init__(self, s=(), foo=None):
        if foo is None and hasattr(s, 'foo'):
            foo = s.foo
        self.foo = foo

    def _wrap_methods(cls, names):
        def wrap_method_closure(name):
            def inner(self, *args):
                result = getattr(super(cls, self), name)(*args)
                if isinstance(result, set) and not hasattr(result, 'foo'):
                    result = cls(result, foo=self.foo)
                return result
            inner.fn_name = name
            setattr(cls, name, inner)
        for name in names:

Fooset._wrap_methods(['__ror__', 'difference_update', '__isub__', 
    'symmetric_difference', '__rsub__', '__and__', '__rand__', 'intersection',
    'difference', '__iand__', 'union', '__ixor__', 
    'symmetric_difference_update', '__or__', 'copy', '__rxor__',
    'intersection_update', '__xor__', '__ior__', '__sub__',

Essentially the same thing you're doing in your own answer, but with fewer loc. It's also easy to put in a metaclass if you want to do the same thing with lists and dicts as well.


I think that the recommended way to do this is not to subclass directly from the built-in set, but rather to make use of the Abstract Base Class Set available in collections.

Using the ABC Set gives you some methods for free as a mix-in so you can have a minimal Set class by defining only __contains__(), __len__() and __iter__(). If you want some of the nicer set methods like intersection() and difference(), you probably do have to wrap them.

Here's my attempt (this one happens to be a frozenset-like, but you can inherit from MutableSet to get a mutable version):

from collections import Set, Hashable

class CustomSet(Set, Hashable):
    """An example of a custom frozenset-like object using
    Abstract Base Classes.
    ___hash__ = Set._hash

    wrapped_methods = ('difference',

    def __repr__(self):
        return "CustomSet({0})".format(list(self._set))

    def __new__(cls, iterable):
        selfobj = super(CustomSet, cls).__new__(CustomSet)
        selfobj._set = frozenset(iterable)
        for method_name in cls.wrapped_methods:
            setattr(selfobj, method_name, cls._wrap_method(method_name, selfobj))
        return selfobj

    def _wrap_method(cls, method_name, obj):
        def method(*args, **kwargs):
            result = getattr(obj._set, method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
            return CustomSet(result)
        return method

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Make sure that we get things like issuperset() that aren't provided
        by the mix-in, but don't need to return a new set."""
        return getattr(self._set, attr)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self._set

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._set)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._set)


Sadly, set does not follow the rules and __new__ is not called to make new set objects, even though they keep the type. This is clearly a bug in Python (issue #1721812, which will not be fixed in the 2.x sequence). You should never be able to get an object of type X without calling the type object that creates X objects! If set.__or__ is not going to call __new__ it is formally obligated to return set objects instead of subclass objects.

But actually, noting the post by nosklo above, your original behavior does not make any sense. The Set.__or__ operator should not be reusing either of the source objects to construct its result, it should be whipping up a new one, in which case its foo should be "default"!

So, practically, anyone doing this should have to overload those operators so that they would know which copy of foo gets used. If it is not dependent on the Foosets being combined, you can make it a class default, in which case it will get honored, because the new object thinks it is of the subclass type.

What I mean is, your example would work, sort of, if you did this:

class Fooset(set):
  foo = 'default'
  def __init__(self, s = []):
    if isinstance(s, Fooset):
      self.foo = s.foo

f = Fooset([1,2,5])
assert (f|f).foo == 'default'


set1 | set2 is an operation that won't modify either existing set, but return a new set instead. The new set is created and returned. There is no way to make it automatically copy arbritary attributes from one or both of the sets to the newly created set, without customizing the | operator yourself by defining the __or__ method.

class MySet(set):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        super(MySet, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
        self.foo = 'nothing'
    def __or__(self, other):
        result = super(MySet, self).__or__(other)
        result.foo = self.foo + "|" + other.foo
        return result

r = MySet('abc')
r.foo = 'bar'
s = MySet('cde')
s.foo = 'baz'

t = r | s

print r, s, t
print r.foo, s.foo, t.foo


MySet(['a', 'c', 'b']) MySet(['c', 'e', 'd']) MySet(['a', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'd'])
bar baz bar|baz


It looks like set bypasses __init__ in the c code. However you will end an instance of Fooset, it just won't have had a chance to copy the field.

Apart from overriding the methods that return new sets I'm not sure you can do too much in this case. Set is clearly built for a certain amount of speed, so does a lot of work in c.


Assuming the other answers are correct, and overriding all the methods is the only way to do this, here's my attempt at a moderately elegant way of doing this. If more instance variables are added, only one piece of code needs to change. Unfortunately if a new binary operator is added to the set object, this code will break, but I don't think there's a way to avoid that. Comments welcome!

def foocopy(f):
    def cf(self, new):
        r = f(self, new)
        r.foo = self.foo
        return r
    return cf

class Fooset(set):
    def __init__(self, s = []):
        set.__init__(self, s)
        if isinstance(s, Fooset):
            self.foo = s.foo
            self.foo = 'default'

    def copy(self):
        x = set.copy(self)
        x.foo = self.foo
        return x

    def __and__(self, x):
        return set.__and__(self, x)

    def __or__(self, x):
        return set.__or__(self, x)

    def __rand__(self, x):
        return set.__rand__(self, x)

    def __ror__(self, x):
        return set.__ror__(self, x)

    def __rsub__(self, x):
        return set.__rsub__(self, x)

    def __rxor__(self, x):
        return set.__rxor__(self, x)

    def __sub__(self, x):
        return set.__sub__(self, x)

    def __xor__(self, x):
        return set.__xor__(self, x)

    def difference(self, x):
        return set.difference(self, x)

    def intersection(self, x):
        return set.intersection(self, x)

    def symmetric_difference(self, x):
        return set.symmetric_difference(self, x)

    def union(self, x):
        return set.union(self, x)

f = Fooset([1,2,4])
f.foo = 'bar'
assert( (f | f).foo == 'bar')


For me this works perfectly using Python 2.5.2 on Win32. Using you class definition and the following test:

f = Fooset([1,2,4])
s = sets.Set((5,6,7))
print f, f.foo
f.foo = 'bar'
print f, f.foo
g = f | s
print g, g.foo
assert( (f | f).foo == 'bar')

I get this output, which is what I expect:

Fooset([1, 2, 4]) default
Fooset([1, 2, 4]) bar
Fooset([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]) bar