Mockito NullPointerException

2019-02-09 05:15发布


I followed what @hoaz suggested. However, I am getting nullpointer exception

public class GeneralConfigServiceImplTest  {

@InjectMocks private GeneralConfigService generalConfigService;
@Mock private SomeDao someDao;
@Mock private ExternalDependencyClass externalDependencyObject 

public void testAddGeneralConfigCallDAOSuccess() {
    when(someDao.findMe(any(String.Class))).thenReturn(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("1234")));

    //println works here, I am able to get collection from my mocked DAO

    // Calling the actual service function

In my Code it's like this:


public class  GeneralConfigService{

private SomeDao someDao;

public void process(ExternalDependencyClass externalDependencyObject){

// function using Mockito 
Collection<String> result = someDao.findMe(externalDependencyObject.getId.toString())

I also notice that DAO was null so I did this(Just to mention, I did the below step to try, I know the difference between springUnit and Mockito or xyz):

private SomeDao someDao;

@John B solution solved my problem. However I would like to mention what did not work for me. This is my updated unit test

public void testAddGeneralConfigCallDAOSuccess() {
    This does not work
    externalDependencyObject.setId(new ExternalKey("pk_1"));
    // verify statement works and I thought that the class in test when call the getId 
    // it will be able to get the ExternalKey object
    //verify(externalDependencyObject.setId(new ExternalKey("pk_1")));

    // This works
    when(externalDependencyObject.getId()).thenReturn(new ExternalKey("pk_1"));
    when(someDao.findMe(any(String.Class))).thenReturn(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("1234")));

    // Calling the actual service function

Referenced this question in :

How do I mock external method call with Mockito

How do I set a property on a mocked object using Mockito?


You haven't mocked the behavior of getId in externalDependencyObject therefore it is returning null and giving you the NPE when toString() is called on that null.

You need a when(externalDependencyObject.getId()).then...