C++ | Generating a pseudo number between 10-20

2019-02-09 05:07发布


I am making a text-based C++ RPG and I am trying to figure out how to work out the amount of damage that the enemy hits you for. My idea is something like this.

Damage done = randomIntBetween10and20*enemyLevel

This way it doesn't always hit for a set amount each time and allows there to be Critical Strikes (For example, if the hit is above 15 I would class that as a Critical Strike)

I'm new to C++ so I'm not quite sure how I can do this, any help would be greatly appreciated.


You should omit the word "truly" from the title, because you probably don't mean it. You probably just want a pseudorandom number. True randomness is virtually impossible to achieve with a personal computer. The following snippet will give you a pseudorandom number in the range 10..19 inclusive:


// ...
int r = rand() % (20 - 10) + 10;

If you want to include 20 in the range then this is a range of 11 numbers:

int r = rand() % (21 - 10) + 10


A good choice would be std::random, the random number generator that’s built-in to C++.

If you don’t have C++11 support yet, use boost::random. The new std::random is based on boost::random, so it’s basically the same thing. The documentation has several examples, including Generating integers in a range.

One of the options offered is the Mersenne Twister (mt19937), which is a good general-purpose pseudo-random number generator.

Like most of the other suggestions, this is pseudo-random. To get true randomness is more difficult—but you don’t need that for an RPG, right? (For cryptographically-strong random numbers, consider OpenSSL or, on Windows, CryptoAPI.)


The stdlib random number generator would be an okay place to start:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

srand(time(NULL)); // initialize the RNG
int poll = rand() % 20; // random number between 0 and 19 inclusive

Eventually, you'll want to start using a more random RNG. Game Coding Complete has a pretty decent one to get you started.


As others said, maybe rand() will be really sufficient for you. What is important is the seed used to initialise the pseudo random number generator ( the call to srand() is the seed)

But beware, True Chaos doesnt mean that you have exactly the same chance to generate any possible random output.

Ten years ago I have played with stochastic sound generation. I needed several sources of chaos.

I just let you know those which I had kept and found useful. of course since they need a seed, they are pseudo chaos.

1/for chaotic float number between -1 and 1: compute the function f(x) = cos(exp(x)). exp() grows so fast, that after really few iteration, what goes out from cos() is chaos.

2/the baker transform: chaotic number between 0 and 1: take a number, multiply it by two, and again, when it is superior to 1, substract something so as it goes back betwen 0 and 1. A much more precise explanation The Baker Transform.

But I think rand() and srand() will satisfy you.

For applying to your range 10-20, of course you stretch/scale the chaotic range (0;1) or (-1;1) by multiplying and offsetting so as the ouput fits your need. ;-)


The method that uses modulus (%) isn't a good choice because the distribution is off. This is better:

double GetRandom(double Min, double Max)
    return ((double(rand()) / double(RAND_MAX)) * (Max - Min)) + Min;    

You will need to include algorithm and seed the generator with srand.

Of course, it's only pseudo-random. You won't be able to get truly random results, especially with rand.


The only way to 'generate' a truly random number is through the interaction with some environmental factor that is random. This website provides a service that does that for you: http://www.random.org/


Use srand() to initialise the random number generator:



Then use the rand() function to generate a sequence of random numbers.



This link must help you to generate random numbers within a limit in C++ http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=378879


look this out, it might be helpful:

// random numbers generation in C++ using builtin functions
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include <iomanip>

using std::setw;

#include <cstdlib>   // contains function prototype for rand

int main()
// loop 20 times
for ( int counter = 1; counter <= 20; counter++ ) {

    // pick random number from 1 to 6 and output it
    cout << setw( 10 ) << ( 1 + rand() % 6 );

    // if counter divisible by 5, begin new line of output
    if ( counter % 5 == 0 )
        cout << endl;


return 0;  // indicates successful termination

} // end main

标签: c++ random