I have a .csv file like this:
stack2@example.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,example.net,
overflow@example.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.793000000,example.net,
overflow@example.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.646465785,example.net,
I have to remove duplicate e-mails (the entire line) from the file (i.e. one of the lines containing overflow@example.com
in the above example). How do I use uniq
on only field 1 (separated by commas)? According to man
, uniq
doesn't have options for columns.
I tried something with sort | uniq
but it doesn't work.
sort -u -t, -k1,1 file
for unique
so comma is the delimiter
for the key field 1
Test result:
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.793000000,xx3.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
awk -F"," '!_[$1]++' file
sets the field separator.
is the first field.
looks up val
in the hash _
(a regular variable).
increment, and return old value.
returns logical not.
- there is an implicit print at the end.
To consider multiple column.
Sort and give unique list based on column 1 and column 3:
sort -u -t : -k 1,1 -k 3,3 test.txt
-t :
colon is separator
-k 1,1 -k 3,3
based on column 1 and column 3
or if u want to use uniq:
<mycvs.cvs tr -s ',' ' ' | awk '{print $3" "$2" "$1}' | uniq -c -f2
1 01:05:47.893000000 2009-11-27 tack2@domain.com
2 00:58:29.793000000 2009-11-27 overflow@domain2.com
If you want to retain the last one of the duplicates you could use
tac a.csv | sort -u -t, -r -k1,1 |tac
Which was my requirement
will reverse the file line by line
Here is a very nifty way.
First format the content such that the column to be compared for uniqueness is a fixed width. One way of doing this is to use awk printf with a field/column width specifier ("%15s").
Now the -f and -w options of uniq can be used to skip preceding fields/columns and to specify the comparison width (column(s) width).
Here are three examples.
In the first example...
1) Temporarily make the column of interest a fixed width greater than or equal to the field's max width.
2) Use -f uniq option to skip the prior columns, and use the -w uniq option to limit the width to the tmp_fixed_width.
3) Remove trailing spaces from the column to "restore" it's width (assuming there were no trailing spaces beforehand).
printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ tmp_fixed_width=15; uniq_col=8; w=tmp_fixed_width-length($uniq_col); for (i=0;i<w;i++) { $uniq_col=$uniq_col" "}; printf "%s\n", $0 }' \
| uniq -f 7 -w 15 \
| awk '{ uniq_col=8; gsub(/ */, "", $uniq_col); printf "%s\n", $0 }'
In the second example...
Create a new uniq column 1. Then remove it after the uniq filter has been applied.
printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ uniq_col_1=4; printf "%15s %s\n", uniq_col_1, $0 }' \
| uniq -f 0 -w 15 \
| awk '{ $1=""; gsub(/^ */, "", $0); printf "%s\n", $0 }'
The third example is the same as the second, but for multiple columns.
printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ uniq_col_1=4; uniq_col_2=8; printf "%5s %15s %s\n", uniq_col_1, uniq_col_2, $0 }' \
| uniq -f 0 -w 5 \
| uniq -f 1 -w 15 \
| awk '{ $1=$2=""; gsub(/^ */, "", $0); printf "%s\n", $0 }'
well, simpler than isolating the column with awk, if you need to remove everything with a certain value for a given file, why not just do grep -v:
e.g. to delete everything with the value "col2" in the second place
line: col1,col2,col3,col4
grep -v ',col2,' file > file_minus_offending_lines
If this isn't good enough, because some lines may get improperly stripped by possibly having the matching value show up in a different column, you can do something like this:
awk to isolate the offending column:
awk -F, '{print $2 "|" $line}'
the -F sets the field delimited to ",", $2 means column 2, followed by some custom delimiter and then the entire line. You can then filter by removing lines that begin with the offending value:
awk -F, '{print $2 "|" $line}' | grep -v ^BAD_VALUE
and then strip out the stuff before the delimiter:
awk -F, '{print $2 "|" $line}' | grep -v ^BAD_VALUE | sed 's/.*|//g'
(note -the sed command is sloppy because it doesn't include escaping values. Also the sed pattern should really be something like "[^|]+" (i.e. anything not the delimiter). But hopefully this is clear enough.
By sorting the file with sort
first, you can then apply uniq
It seems to sort the file just fine:
$ cat test.csv
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.793000000,xx3.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.646465785,2x3.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack3@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack4@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
$ sort test.csv
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.646465785,2x3.net,
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.793000000,xx3.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack3@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack4@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
$ sort test.csv | uniq
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.646465785,2x3.net,
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.793000000,xx3.net,
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack3@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack4@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
You could also do some AWK magic:
$ awk -F, '{ lines[$1] = $0 } END { for (l in lines) print lines[l] }' test.csv
stack2@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack4@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
stack3@domain.com,2009-11-27 01:05:47.893000000,xx2.net,
overflow@domain2.com,2009-11-27 00:58:29.646465785,2x3.net,