I'm very new to android programming so please forgive my noobie-ness. I'm trying to create a very simple activity that will have one TextView in the middle of the Layout and just have it switch to a different text every couple of seconds. For example, the TextView will say "text1", pause for a couple of seconds, then say "text2, and pause again. Eventually, I want to add more texts and have them all cycle one after another. I know this seems like a super simple thing but I'm mainly trying to learn about threads and handlers at this moment. Anyways, I've read up on how we should keep lengthy things off the UI thread to prevent an error so I thought I'd use a handler to simply switch between 2 texts on screen. Unfortunately, I can't get this to work. Here's some code:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
String[] myarray = {"text1" , "text2"};
int arraylength = myarray.length;
int count;
Handler handler = new Handler();
TextView mytexts;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mytexts = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.my_texts);
Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable(){
public void run() {
for (int count = 0; count < arraylength; count++){
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
}, 7000);
From what I can see in the logcat, the handler seems to run postDelayed one right after another (in my code's case, it does NOT wait 7 seconds with the postDelay to do another postDelayed). Also, I would like to make the 1 in "mytexts.setText(myarray[1]);" be the same as "count" in the for loop so it can be the same as one of the strings in the array but that gives me an error. I've been stuck on this for hours and other examples I've found online seem way too complicated for someone like me who mainly wants to get the basics down before I can tackle other things. Any help at all with any of this would be much appreciated. Thank you.