I have a tomcat server running some Java code that lets users authenticate using an API key. The request uses an HMAC created with SHA256. I have a Ruby client that I am using to make the request and since I'm new to encryption I am having a difficult time getting it to generate a matching HMAC. I have tried not making it URL safe, and that matches. So I'm really wondering is how I can get the Ruby client to match with the URL safe version (since I can't change the Java code). It's just got an extra = character at the end. Thanks in advance for any help.
For Ruby I am using 1.9.3 and for Java I am using 6u31 along with the commons-codec-1.6.jar library from apache.
require "openssl"
require "base64"
json_str = "{'community':'LG7B734A', 'login_id':'user1', 'time':'1331928899'}"
digest = OpenSSL::Digest::Digest.new("sha256")
key = [ "4cc45e4258121c3fec84147673e1bd88e51b1c177aafcfa2da72bd4655c9f933" ]
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, key.pack("H*"), json_str)
encoded_url_safe = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(hmac)
encoded = Base64.encode64(hmac)
puts("Encoded (Url Safe): " + encoded_url_safe)
puts("Encoded : " + encoded)
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
public class ExampleHMAC
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
String key = "4cc45e4258121c3fec84147673e1bd88e51b1c177aafcfa2da72bd4655c9f933";
byte[] keyBytes = Hex.decodeHex(key.toCharArray());
SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "HmacSHA256");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
String jsonStr = "{'community':'LG7B734A', 'login_id':'user1', 'time':'1331928899'}";
byte[] hmacBytes = mac.doFinal(jsonStr.getBytes());
String encodedUrlSafe = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(hmacBytes);
String encoded = Base64.encodeBase64String(hmacBytes);
System.out.println("Encoded (Url Safe): " + encodedUrlSafe);
System.out.println("Encoded : " + encoded);
Encoded (Url Safe): QgYLqGm1M4qozdEjGC_CnJ8CdBm2jQpsU85kSWFcjKM=
Encoded : QgYLqGm1M4qozdEjGC/CnJ8CdBm2jQpsU85kSWFcjKM=
Encoded (Url Safe): QgYLqGm1M4qozdEjGC_CnJ8CdBm2jQpsU85kSWFcjKM
Encoded : QgYLqGm1M4qozdEjGC/CnJ8CdBm2jQpsU85kSWFcjKM=