I wonder if there is a framework or something else to display Math formula on a web page. Other than using images of those formulas...
Check out MathOverflow, which uses jsMath. Looks pretty good, but can take a few seconds to render everything.
You may also check MathJax, which supports rendering both LaTex and MathML.
Check out this review of all of the options for web math display.
MathJax is the best option, but it's still in beta. As far as I can tell though, it's the only solution still under development and it should reach 1.0 soon.
A couple of developers from the Khan Academy released a blazing quick library based off of Tex called Katex:
- Fast
- High-quality
- Self-contained; and,
- Can be rendered on the server
Looks like a great modern option.
The portable way is to use images.
MathML really isn't widely adopted.
You can do it with CSS, but again its very different to look right across a wide range of browsers
Here is excellent advice: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/math/
There is MathML, which some of the newer browsers support. But as a fallback, you will need to use images.
Take a look at MathML, which has both presentation and content flavors.
There's MathML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML
What about jsMath, as used by MathOverflow?
MathJax is the new version of jsMath. You might want to also check out jqmath at http://mathscribe.com/author/jqmath.html. I wrote it to be simple, small and fast.
MathML should be the standard way to do this, but it's not supported by all browsers. The newest Google Chart Tools have support for mathematical (TEX) formulas.
I found this https://github.com/mathjax/mathjax very useful. It supports:
- AsciiMath
- LaTeX
- Tex
- MathML