Stopping an infinite loop on a remote server PHP

2019-02-08 12:30发布


I have a simple infinite for loop looking like this:

set_time_limit (0);
for (;;)
    ... //Doing some stuff including to write to a file

It's running on my server. (Shared hosting account)

How on earth can I stop it?


kill the process. assuming you can get access to the console via ssh and your server runs on linux:

ps -ef | grep php // to get a list of php-processes

kill [process-id] // kill the process by process-id


You might want to contact your hosting service and ask them to kill your script. Most likely you don't have execute-access or ssh-access. Maybe you should build a possibility to quit your program next time you create an infinite loop.


I logged in via SSH and tried killing the process but it didn't seem to work - possibly the incorrect process as there were quite a few there.

You can always restart apache as a last resort; that will fix it ;-)