Execute external command

2019-02-08 12:45发布


I do not know whether it is a Scala or Play! question. I want to execute some external command from my Play application, get the output from the command and show a report to user based on the command output. Can anyone help?

For example, when I enter my-command from shell it shows output like below, which I want to capture and show in web:

Id    Name   IP
1     A      x.y.z.a
2     B      p.q.r.s

Please, do not worry about format and parsing of the output. Functionally, I am looking something like PHP exec. I know about java Runtime.getRuntime().exec("command") but is there any Scala/Play version to serve the purpose?


You have to import the process packages of scala first. The method !! does what you need, it executes the statement and captures the text output.

import scala.sys.process._
val cmd = "uname -a" // Your command
val output = cmd.!! // Captures the output


scala> import scala.sys.process._
scala> Process("cat temp.txt")!

This assumes there is a temp file in your home directory. ! is for actual execution of the command. See scala.sys.process for more info.