I'm trying to make a simple search bar that searches through my database for certain words. It is possible to use the LIKE attribute without using WHERE? I want it to search all columns for the keywords, not just one. Currently I have this:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shoutbox WHERE name LIKE '%$search%' ")
Which obviously only searches for names with the search input. I tried both of these:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shoutbox LIKE '%$search%' ")
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shoutbox WHERE * LIKE '%$search%' ")
and neither worked. Is this something that is possible or is there another way to go about it?
You might want to look at the MATCH() function as well eg:
SELECT * FROM shoutbox
WHERE MATCH(`name`, `foo`, `bar`) AGAINST ('$search')
You can also add boolean mode to this:
SELECT * FROM shoutbox
WHERE MATCH(`name`, `foo`, `bar`) AGAINST ('$search') IN BOOLEAN MODE
You can also get the relevance scores and add FULLTEXT keys to speed up the queries.
There's no shortcut. You need to specify each column separately.
SELECT * FROM shoutbox
WHERE name LIKE '%$search%'
OR foo LIKE '%$search%'
OR bar LIKE '%$search%'
OR baz LIKE '%$search%'
There IS a shortcut ! ;)
SELECT * FROM shoutbox
WHERE CONCAT(name, foo, bar, baz) LIKE '%$search%'
this will not show duplicate rows anymore.
SELECT * FROM shoutbox
WHERE (name LIKE '%$search%'
OR foo LIKE '%$search%'
OR bar LIKE '%$search%'
OR baz LIKE '%$search%')