C++/CLI-Question: Is there an equivalent to the C#

2019-02-08 10:41发布


I've read somewhere on MSDN that the equivalent to C#'s "is" keyword would be dynamic_cast, but that's not really equivalent: It doesn't work with value types or with generic parameters. For example in C# I can write:

void MyGenericFunction<T>()
    object x = ...
    if (x is T)

If I try the "equivalent" C++/CLI:

generic<class T>
void MyGenericFunction()
    object x = ...
    if (dynamic_cast<T>(x))

I get a compiler error "error C2682: cannot use 'dynamic_cast' to convert from 'System::Object ^' to 'T'".

The only thing I can think of is to use reflection:

if (T::typeid->IsAssignableFrom(obj->GetType()))

Is there a simpler way to do this?


You can use safe_cast where you would use dynamic_cast in native C++ and trap the System::InvalidCastException. In terms of compatible types the semantics of asking if you can convert types could pick up a broader range of types than checking identity. You may actually want the added flexibility of IsAssignableFrom.

I don't think there's an efficient equivalent to the good old dynamic_cast idiom we're used to, certainly nothing as compact.


It's on MSDN:

How to: Implement is and as C# Keywords in C++

In a nutshell, you need to write a helper function like so:

template < class T, class U > 
Boolean isinst(U u) {
   return dynamic_cast< T >(u) != nullptr;

and call it like this:

Object ^ o = "f";
if ( isinst< String ^ >(o) )
    Console::WriteLine("o is a string");


While a simple workaround would be to use safe_cast<T>(x) and catch System::InvalidCastException^, this has the obvious overhead of exception handling (unrolling the stack and all the related fun) when the type doesn't match.

I tried to come up with a different approach. While I wouldn't exactly call it simple, it does its job without using exceptions.

#using <System.Core.dll>

namespace detail
    generic <typename T> ref class is_instance_of_managed_helper sealed abstract
        static initonly System::Func<System::Object^, bool>^ is_instance_of = build();

        static System::Func<System::Object^, bool>^ build()
            using System::Linq::Expressions::Expression;
            auto param = Expression::Parameter(System::Object::typeid);
            return Expression::Lambda<System::Func<System::Object^, bool>^>(
                Expression::TypeIs(param, T::typeid),

    template <typename T> struct is_instance_of_helper
        static bool is_instance_of(System::Object^ obj)
            return is_instance_of_managed_helper<T>::is_instance_of(obj);

    template <typename T> struct is_instance_of_helper<T^>
        static bool is_instance_of(System::Object^ obj)
            return dynamic_cast<T^>(obj) != nullptr;

template <typename T> bool is_instance_of(System::Object^ obj)
    return detail::is_instance_of_helper<T>::is_instance_of(obj);

A bit of explanation:

  • is_instance_of_managed_helper is a managed class which generates a function at runtime giving the equivalent of C#'s is operator. It uses Expression::TypeIs to achieve this in a simple way. One such function will be generated once for every T.

  • template <typename T> struct is_instance_of_helper is a template struct which simply uses the above solution. This is the general case.

  • template <typename T> struct is_instance_of_helper<T^> is a partial specialization of the above struct which uses dynamic_cast for managed handle types. This way, we'll spare ourselves the trouble of generating code at runtime when T can simply be used with dynamic_cast.

  • template <typename T> bool is_instance_of(System::Object^ obj) is the final helper function which will choose the template to use.

标签: c++-cli