I'm using Django REST Framework v3.6 built-in interactive documentation django_rest_framework.documentation
(not django-rest-swagger
Basically, I'm following the official documentation and use this in my URLset configuration:
from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^", include_docs_urls(title="My API")),
Everything seems to work and I get a nice interactive documentation page, but I have a ViewSet
with lookup_field = "slug"
and one thing about the generated documentation bothers me:
I want to have some useful information it that description, like "an unique permanently-assigned alphanumeric ID" or something among those lines, but can't find any documentation where this data comes from.
There is a workaround but I really don't want to define all the schema explicitly. I want to declare my classes with nice docstrings and have docs auto-generated. I've also found an suggestion to put slug -- here goes the description
in the docstring but it doesn't seem work - the text just appears with the rest of the Markdown-formatted description.
So... I wonder about two things:
- (A specific question) Where do I fill this path parameter description?
- (More generic version of the same question) What's the best way to learn how schemas are auto-generated from code?