I can't find any information about deploying Play Framework 2.0 on Tomcat, is it even possible? If so, where can I find any info regarding it.
Sadly, it is not supported in the Play 2.0 release. Looks like the feature got pushed to 2.1, here is the the ticket.
There is a plugin that aims are war support for Play 2: https://github.com/dlecan/play2-war-plugin/
The Asynchronous IO model is not supported by Servlet 3.0 containers. See post by one of the committers below:
"We are experimenting with this right now, however, it looks like what we need is JSR-340 JSR-340: http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=340 timeline for JSR-340: http://java.net/projects/servlet-spec/lists/users/archive/2012-03/m... based on the timing it looks unlikely that this will be part of 2.1, so I am changing the milestone to "none"."
There is a plugin.
It's not flawless as of now (April 2012) but there is a lot of commits done every day.
The call for play framework 1.2 is play war myapp -o myapp.war
I'd try that in play framework 2, although it's not in the documentation any more. Unfortunately I can't try if it still works because I don't have play on this machine.