Is there a way to check if an array index exists or is null?
doesn't tell you whether the index doesn't exist or exists but is null.
If I do : isset($array[$index]) || is_null($array[$index])
it won't work because if the index doesn't exist is_null will crash.
How can I check this please? Also is there a way to check only if something exist, no matter if it is set to null or not?
The function array_key_exists() can do that, and property_exists() for objects, plus what Vineet1982 said. Thanks for your help.
This is the very good question and you can use get_defined_vars() for this:
$foo = NULL;
$a = get_defined_vars();
if (array_key_exists('def', $a)) {
// Should evaluate to FALSE
if (array_key_exists('foo', $a)) {
// Should evaluate to TRUE
This will solve your problem
Simplest defined in:
$array=array('raja'=>'value', 'john'=>'value2');
echo array_key_exists($var, $array);