I was experimenting with enum
, and I found that the following compiles and runs fine on Eclipse (Build id: 20090920-1017, not sure exact compiler version):
public class SwitchingOnAnull {
enum X { ,; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
X x = null;
switch(x) {
default: System.out.println("Hello world!");
When compiled and run with Eclipse, this prints "Hello world!"
and exits normally.
With the javac
compiler, this throws a NullPointerException
as expected.
So is there a bug in Eclipse Java compiler?
This is a bug. Here's the specified behavior for a switch
statement according to the Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition:
JLS 14.11 The switch
switch ( Expression ) SwitchBlock
When the switch
statement is executed, first the Expression
is evaluated. If the Expression
evaluates to null
, a NullPointerException
is thrown and the entire switch
statement completes abruptly for that reason.
Apparently the bug in Eclipse has nothing to do with default
case or enum
at all.
public class SwitchingOnAnull {
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.math.RoundingMode x = null;
switch(x) {};
switch((Integer) null) {};
switch((Character) null) {
default: System.out.println("I've got sunshine!");
The above code compiles and runs "fine" on (at least some version of) Eclipse. Each individual switch
throws a NullPointerException
when compiled with javac
, which is exactly as the specification mandates.
The cause
Here's javap -c SwitchingOnAnull
when compiled under Eclipse:
Compiled from "SwitchingOnAnull.java"
public class SwitchingOnAnull extends java.lang.Object{
public SwitchingOnAnull();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #8; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
0: aconst_null
1: astore_1
2: getstatic #16; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
5: ldc #22; //String I've got sunshine!
7: invokevirtual #24; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
10: return
It seems that the Eclipse compiler gets rid of the entire switch
constructs entirely. Unfortunately this optimization breaks the language specification.
The official words
The bug has been filed and assigned for fix.
Olivier Thomann 2010-05-28 08:37:21 EDT
We are too aggressive on the optimization.
switch((Integer) null) {};
we optimize out the whole switch
statement when we should at least evaluate the
I'll take a look.
Candidate for 3.6.1.
See also
- Bug 314830 - Switching on a
expression doesn't always throw NullPointerException
Definitly. If we look at the chapter 14.11 of the java language specification, it clearly states (under 'discussion'):
The prohibition against using null as
a switch label prevents one from
writing code that can never be
executed. If the switch expression is
of a reference type, such as a boxed
primitive type or an enum, a run-time
error will occur if the expression
evaluates to null at run-time.
Yep. According to the JLS it's a bug:
If the switch expression is of a reference type, such as a boxed primitive type or an enum, a run-time error will occur if the expression evaluates to null at run-time.