I am trying to create a generic webcrawler that will go to a site and take a screenshot. I am using Python, Selnium, and PhantomJS. The problem is that the screenshot is not capturing all the images on a page. For example, if I go to you tube, it doesn't capture images below the main page image. (I don't have high enough rep to post screen shot) I think this may have something to do with dynamic content, but I have tried the wait functions such as implicitly wait and on set_page_load_timeout methods. Because this is a generic crawler I can't wait for a specific event (I want to crawl hundreds of sites).
Is it possible to create a generic webcrawler that can do the screen capture I am trying to do? Code I am using is:
phantom = webdriver.PhantomJS()
img = phantom.get_screenshot_as_png() #64-bit encoded string
Here is the image