
shiny app File Upload: How can we save the files u

2019-02-07 14:15发布


I want to create a GUI using shiny to take 5 files as an input. Once I have uploaded these files, I want them to be saved in a particular Folder whose destination is known by me. Can we do this? If yes, how? Thank You.


Well, kind of. You can use observer to copy the file on upload:


       fileInput("upload", "Upload", multiple = FALSE)

    server=shinyServer(function(input, output, session){               
            if (is.null(input$upload)) return()
            file.copy(input$upload$datapath, "/some/other/path")

Not that I am using file.copy and not file.rename to avoid problems when the destination is located on a different device than the temporary directory.


In addition to the answer by zero323, Use file.copy as below if you want to overwrite the old uploads with new ones during each re-run of your app:

file.copy(..., recursive= TRUE)

(I wanted this in my app but it took me a whole lot of time to figure this out as I was a newbie at this)